Class DigestIndexerWorker

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DigestIndexerWorker
    extends Object
    implements Callable<Boolean>
    This worker class handles the indexing of one single crawl-log and associated cdxfile.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DigestIndexerWorker

        public DigestIndexerWorker​(String indexpath,
                                   Long jobId,
                                   File crawllogfile,
                                   File cdxFile,
                                   DigestOptions indexingOptions,
                                   String taskID)
        Constructor for the DigestIndexerWorker.
        indexpath - The full path to the index
        jobId - The ID of the job which logfiles are being indexed
        crawllogfile - The crawllog from the job
        cdxFile - The cdxfile from the job
        indexingOptions - The options for the indexing process.
        taskID - string defining this task
    • Method Detail

      • call

        public Boolean call()
        This method does the actual indexing.
        Specified by:
        call in interface Callable<Boolean>
        true, if the indexing completes successfully; otherwise it returns false