Class HarvestInfo

  • public class HarvestInfo
    extends Object
    Summary information about a specific harvest of a domain. This class is immutable.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HarvestInfo

        public HarvestInfo​(Long harvestID,
                           String domainName,
                           String domainCfgName,
                           Date date,
                           long sizeDataRetrieved,
                           long countObjectRetrieved,
                           StopReason stopReason)
        Create new harvest info instance.
        harvestID - The id of the harvest
        domainName - The name of the Domain
        domainCfgName - The name of the Domain configuration
        date - The date of the harvest
        sizeDataRetrieved - The number of bytes retrieved for this Domain
        countObjectRetrieved - The number of objects retrieved for this Domain
        stopReason - The reason why the current harvest terminated
      • HarvestInfo

        public HarvestInfo​(Long harvestID,
                           Long jobID,
                           String domainName,
                           String domainCfgName,
                           Date date,
                           long sizeDataRetrieved,
                           long countObjectRetrieved,
                           StopReason stopReason)
        Create new harvest info instance.
        harvestID - The id of the harvest
        jobID - The id of the job, if available
        domainName - The name of the Domain
        domainCfgName - The name of the Domain configuration
        date - The date of the harvest
        sizeDataRetrieved - The number of bytes retrieved for this Domain
        countObjectRetrieved - The number of objects retrieved for this Domain
        stopReason - The reason why the current harvest terminated
    • Method Detail

      • getSizeDataRetrieved

        public long getSizeDataRetrieved()
        Get the total amount of data downloaded (bytes).
        the total amount of data downloaded (bytes)
      • getCountObjectRetrieved

        public long getCountObjectRetrieved()
        Get the total number of objects downloaded.
        the total number of objects downloaded
      • getStopReason

        public StopReason getStopReason()
        Get the reason the harvest stopped.
        the reason the harvest stopped
      • getDate

        public Date getDate()
        Get the date this harvest information was recorded.
        the date the harvest information was recorded
      • getHarvestID

        public Long getHarvestID()
        Get the id of the harvest.
        the harvest ID
      • getJobID

        public Long getJobID()
        Get the id of the job, if available.
        the job ID or null.
      • getDomainName

        public String getDomainName()
        Get the domain name of the harvest.
        the domain name
      • getDomainConfigurationName

        public String getDomainConfigurationName()
        Get the domain configuration name of the harvest.
        the domain configuration name
      • toString

        public String toString()
        A human readable representation.
        toString in class Object
        A human readable representation