Class Application

  • public class Application
    extends Object
    The application entity in the deploy hierarchy.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Application

        public Application​(org.dom4j.Element subTreeRoot,
                           XmlStructure parentSettings,
                           Parameters param,
                           String targetEncoding)
        A application is the program to be run on a machine.
        subTreeRoot - The root of this instance in the XML document.
        parentSettings - The setting inherited by the parent.
        param - The machine parameters inherited by the parent.
        targetEncoding - the encoding to use when writing files.
    • Method Detail

      • getIdentification

        public String getIdentification()
        Uses the name and the optional applicationId to create an unique identification for this application.
        The unique identification of this application.
      • getTotalName

        public String getTotalName()
        the total name with directory path.
      • createSettingsFile

        public void createSettingsFile​(File directory)
        Creates the settings file for this application. This is extracted from the XMLStructure and put into a specific file. The name of the settings file for this application is: "settings_" + identification + ".xml".
        directory - The directory where the settings file should be placed.
      • installPathLinux

        public String installPathLinux()
        Makes the install path with linux syntax.
        The path in linux syntax.
      • installPathWindows

        public String installPathWindows()
        Makes the install path with windows syntax.
        The path with windows syntax.
      • getMachineParameters

        public Parameters getMachineParameters()
        For acquiring the machine parameter variable.
        The machine parameter variable.
      • getSettingsValues

        public String[] getSettingsValues​(String[] path)
        For acquiring all the values of the leafs at the end of the path.
        path - The path to the branches.
        The values of the leafs. If no values were found, then an empty collection of strings are returned.
      • getSettings

        public XmlStructure getSettings()
        Returns the settings XML subtree for the application.
        the settings XML subtree for the application
      • isBundledHarvester

        public boolean isBundledHarvester()
        Detects whether this is a Harvester app, which requires a harvester bundle to be deployed.
        true if the is a harvester requiring a harvester bundle, else false.