Class ARCFilenameCDXRecordFilter

    • Constructor Detail

      • ARCFilenameCDXRecordFilter

        public ARCFilenameCDXRecordFilter​(String arcfilenamepattern,
                                          String filtername)
                                   throws ArgumentNotValid
        Class constructor.
        arcfilenamepattern - The filename pattern to be used by this filter
        filtername - The name of this filter
        ArgumentNotValid - If any argument are null or an empty string.
    • Method Detail

      • getFilenamePattern

        public String getFilenamePattern()
        Get the filename pattern used by this filter.
        the filename pattern used by this filter.
      • process

        public boolean process​(CDXRecord cdxrec)
        Description copied from interface: CDXRecordFilter
        Process one CDXRecord - return true/false.
        Specified by:
        process in interface CDXRecordFilter
        Specified by:
        process in class SimpleCDXRecordFilter
        cdxrec - the CDXRecord to be processed.
        true or false on whether the processed CDXRecord is "valid" according to this filter implementation. true means this CDXRecord is valid!