Class Settings

  • public class Settings
    extends Object
    Provides access to general application settings. The settings are retrieved from xml files. XML files may be specified one of two places: 1) Default settings in XML files, specified by class path. These are intended to be packaged in the jar files, to provide a fallback for settings. 2) Overriding settings in XML files in file systems. These are intended to override the necessary values with minimal XML files. The location of these files are either specified by the system property SETTINGS_FILE_PROPERTY, multiple files can be separated by File.pathSeparator, that is ':' on linux and ';' on windows; or if that property is not set, the default location is DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILEPATH.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Settings

        public Settings()
    • Method Detail

      • getSettingsFiles

        public static List<File> getSettingsFiles()
        Return the file these settings are read from. If the property given in the constructor is set, that will be used to determine the file. If it is not set, the default settings file path given in the constructor will be used.
        The settings file.
      • get

        public static String get​(String key)
                          throws UnknownID,
        Gets a setting. The search order for a given setting is as follows:

        First it is checked, if the argument key is set as a System property. If yes, return this value. If no, we continue the search.

        Secondly, we check, if the setting is in one of the loaded settings xml files. If the value is there, it is returned. If no, we continue the search.

        Finally, we check if the setting is in one of default settings files from classpath. If the value is there, it is returned. Otherwise an UnknownId exception is thrown.

        Note: The retrieved value can be the empty string

        key - name of the setting to retrieve
        the retrieved value
        ArgumentNotValid - if key is null or the empty string
        UnknownID - if no setting loaded matches key
        IOFailure - if IO Failure
      • getInt

        public static int getInt​(String key)
                          throws UnknownID,
        Gets a setting as an int. This method calls get(key) and then parses the value as integer.
        key - name of the setting to retrieve
        the retrieved int
        ArgumentNotValid - if key is null, the empty string or key is not parseable as an integer
        UnknownID - if no setting loaded matches key
      • getLong

        public static long getLong​(String key)
                            throws UnknownID,
        Gets a setting as a long. This method calls get(key) and then parses the value as a long.
        key - name of the setting to retrieve
        the retrieved long
        ArgumentNotValid - if key is null, the empty string or key is not parseable as a long
        UnknownID - if no setting loaded matches key
      • getDouble

        public static double getDouble​(String key)
                                throws UnknownID,
        Gets a setting as a double. This method calls get(key) and then parses the value as a double.
        key - name of the setting to retrieve
        the retrieved double
        ArgumentNotValid - if key is null, the empty string or key is not parseable as a double
        UnknownID - if no setting loaded matches key
      • getFile

        public static File getFile​(String key)
        Gets a setting as a file. This method calls get(key) and then returns the value as a file.
        key - name of the setting to retrieve
        the retrieved file
        ArgumentNotValid - if key is null, the empty string
        UnknownID - if no setting loaded matches ke
      • getBoolean

        public static boolean getBoolean​(String key)
                                  throws UnknownID,
        Gets a setting as a boolean. This method calls get(key) and then parses the value as a boolean.
        key - name of the setting to retrieve
        the retrieved boolean
        ArgumentNotValid - if key is null or the empty string
        UnknownID - if no setting loaded matches key
      • getAll

        public static String[] getAll​(String key)
                               throws UnknownID,
        Gets a list of settings. First it is checked, if the key is registered as a System property. If yes, registered value is returned in a list of length 1. If no, the data loaded from the settings xml files are examined. If value is there, it is returned in a list. If not, the default settings from classpath are examined. If values for this setting are found here, they are returned. Otherwise, an UnknownId exception is thrown.

        Note that the values will not be concatenated, the first place with a match will define the entire list. Furthemore the list cannot be empty.

        key - name of the setting to retrieve
        the retrieved values (as a non-empty String array)
        ArgumentNotValid - if key is null or the empty string
        UnknownID - if no setting loaded matches key
      • set

        public static void set​(String key,
                               String... values)
        Sets the key to one or more values. Calls to this method are forgotten whenever the reload() is executed.

        TODO write these values to its own simpleXml structure, that are not reset during reload.

        key - The settings key to add this under, legal keys are fields in this class.
        values - The (ordered) list of values to put under this key.
        ArgumentNotValid - if key or values are null
        UnknownID - if the key does not already exist
      • reload

        public static void reload()
        Reloads the settings. This will reload the settings from disk, and forget all settings that were set with set(java.lang.String, java.lang.String...)

        The field lastModified is updated to timestamp of the settings file that has been changed most recently.

        IOFailure - if settings cannot be loaded
      • addDefaultClasspathSettings

        public static void addDefaultClasspathSettings​(String defaultClasspathSettingsPath)
        Add the settings file represented by this path to the list of default classpath settings.
        defaultClasspathSettingsPath - the given default classpath setting.
      • getTree

        public static StringTree<String> getTree​(String path)
        Get a tree view of a part of the settings. Note: settings read with this mechanism do not support overriding with system properties!
        path - Dotted path to a unique element in the tree.
        The part of the setting structure below the element given.
      • verifyClass

        public static boolean verifyClass​(String classname)
        Verify, if the given class exists in the classpath.
        classname - A given class to check for
        true, if the given class exists in the classpath, else false