Class GetFileAction

    • Constructor Detail

      • GetFileAction

        public GetFileAction​(org.bitrepository.access.getfile.GetFileClient client,
                             String collectionID,
                             String fileID,
                             File targetFile)
        Constructor to instantiate the get-file action
        client - The client to perform the action on
        collectionID - The ID of a known collection to operate on
        fileID - The ID of an existing file in the collection to download
        targetFile - A File specifying a path to download the file to
    • Method Detail

      • actionIsSuccess

        public boolean actionIsSuccess()
      • getInfo

        public String getInfo()
      • performAction

        public void performAction()
        Description copied from interface: ClientAction
        Method to perform the implemented action
        Specified by:
        performAction in interface ClientAction