Interface PreservationArcRepositoryClient

    • Method Detail

      • close

        void close()
        Call on shutdown to release external resources.
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
      • get

        BitarchiveRecord get​(String arcfile,
                             long index)
                      throws ArgumentNotValid
        Gets a single ARC record out of the ArcRepository.
        arcfile - The name of a file containing the desired record.
        index - The offset of the desired record in the file
        a BitarchiveRecord-object, or null if request times out or object is not found.
        ArgumentNotValid - If the get operation failed.
      • getFile

        void getFile​(String arcfilename,
                     Replica replica,
                     File toFile)
        Retrieves a file from an ArcRepository and places it in a local file.
        arcfilename - Name of the arcfile to retrieve.
        replica - The bitarchive to retrieve the data from.
        toFile - Filename of a place where the file fetched can be put.
        IOFailure - if there are problems getting a reply or the file could not be found.
      • store

        void store​(File file)
            throws IOFailure,
        Store the given file in the ArcRepository. After storing, the file is deleted.
        file - A file to be stored. Must exist.
        IOFailure - thrown if store is unsuccessful, or failed to clean up files after the store operation.
        ArgumentNotValid - if file parameter is null or file is not an existing file.
      • batch

        BatchStatus batch​(FileBatchJob job,
                          String replicaId,
                          String... args)
        Runs a batch batch job on each file in the ArcRepository.
        job - An object that implements the FileBatchJob interface. The initialize() method will be called before processing and the finish() method will be called afterwards. The process() method will be called with each File entry. An optional function postProcess() allows handling the combined results of the batchjob, e.g. summing the results, sorting, etc.
        replicaId - The archive to execute the job on.
        args - The arguments for the batchjob.
        The status of the batch job after it ended.
      • updateAdminData

        void updateAdminData​(String fileName,
                             String replicaId,
                             ReplicaStoreState newval)
        Updates the administrative data in the ArcRepository for a given file and bitarchive replica.
        fileName - The name of a file stored in the ArcRepository.
        replicaId - The id if the replica that the administrative data for fileName is wrong for.
        newval - What the administrative data will be updated to.
      • updateAdminChecksum

        void updateAdminChecksum​(String filename,
                                 String checksum)
        Updates the checksum kept in the ArcRepository for a given file. It is the responsibility of the ArcRepository implementation to ensure that this checksum matches that of the underlying files.
        filename - The name of a file stored in the ArcRepository.
        checksum - The new checksum.
      • removeAndGetFile

        File removeAndGetFile​(String fileName,
                              String replicaId,
                              String checksum,
                              String credentials)
        Remove a file from one part of the ArcRepository, retrieving a copy for security purposes. This is typically used when repairing a file that has been corrupted.
        fileName - The name of the file to remove.
        replicaId - The replica id from which to remove the file.
        checksum - The checksum of the file to be removed.
        credentials - A string that shows that the user is allowed to perform this operation.
        A local copy of the file removed.
      • getAllChecksums

        File getAllChecksums​(String replicaId)
        Retrieves all the checksum from the replica through a GetAllChecksumMessage.

        This is the checksum archive alternative to running a ChecksumBatchJob.

        replicaId - The id of the replica from which the checksums should be retrieved.
        A list of ChecksumEntries which is the results of the GetAllChecksumMessage.
        See Also:
      • getChecksum

        String getChecksum​(String replicaId,
                           String filename)
        Retrieves the checksum of a specific file.

        This is the checksum archive alternative to running a ChecksumJob limited to a specific file.

        replicaId - The name of the replica to send the message.
        filename - The name of the file for whom the checksum should be retrieved.
        The checksum of the file in the replica. Or null if an error occurred.
      • getAllFilenames

        File getAllFilenames​(String replicaId)
        Retrieves the names of all the files in the replica through a GetAllFilenamesMessage.

        This is the checksum archive alternative to running a FilelistBatchJob.

        replicaId - The id of the replica from which the list of filenames should be retrieved.
        A list of all the filenames within the archive of the given replica.
        See Also:
      • correct

        File correct​(String replicaId,
                     String checksum,
                     File file,
                     String credentials)
        Method for correcting a file in a replica.

        This is the checksum archive method for correcting a file entry in the archive. The bitarchive uses 'removeAndGetFile' followed by a 'store'.

        replicaId - The identification of the replica.
        checksum - The checksum of the corrupt entry in the archive. It is important to validate that the checksum actually is wrong before correcting the entry.
        file - The new file to replace the old one.
        credentials - The password for allowing to remove a file entry in the archive.
        The corrupted file from the archive.