Class HTTPSRemoteFileRegistry

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HTTPSRemoteFileRegistry
    extends HTTPRemoteFileRegistry
    This is a registry for HTTPS remote file, meant for serving registered files to remote hosts. It will use secure communication using a shared certificate. The embedded webserver handling remote files for HTTPSRemoteFile point-to-point communication. Optimised to use direct transfer on local machine.
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static HTTPRemoteFileRegistry getInstance()
        Get the unique instance.
        The unique instance.
      • startServer

        protected void startServer()
        Start the server, including a handler that responds with registered files, removes registered files on request, and gives 404 otherwise. Connection to this web host only possible with the shared certificate.
        startServer in class HTTPRemoteFileRegistry
      • openConnection

        protected URLConnection openConnection​(URL url)
                                        throws IOException
        Open a connection to an URL in this registry. Thus opens SSL connections using the certificate above.
        openConnection in class HTTPRemoteFileRegistry
        url - The URL to open connection to.
        an open connection to the given url
        IOException - If unable to open connection to the URL
        IOFailure - If the connection is not a secure connection