Class HTTPSRemoteFile

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    RemoteFile, Serializable

    public class HTTPSRemoteFile
    extends HTTPRemoteFile
    A remote file implemented with point-to-point HTTPS communication. Optimised to communicate locally, if file is on the same host. Optimised to transfer 0 byte files inline. Will use one shared certificate for secure communication.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static String HTTPSREMOTEFILE_KEYSTORE_FILE
        The setting for the keystore file used for HTTPS remotefiles. It contains the certificate for HTTPS

        The setting for the password that the keystore used for HTTPS remotefile keystore is encrypted with. Refer to the configuration manual for how to build a keystore.

        public static String HTTPSREMOTEFILE_KEY_PASSWORD
        The setting for the password that the certificate used for HTTPS remotefile (private key) is encrypted with.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HTTPSRemoteFile

        protected HTTPSRemoteFile​(File file,
                                  boolean useChecksums,
                                  boolean fileDeletable,
                                  boolean multipleDownloads)
        Initialises a remote file implemented by point-to-point HTTPS communication.
        file - The file to make a remote file for
        useChecksums - Whether communications are checksummed. If true, getChecksum will also return the checksum.
        fileDeletable - if true, the file given to this method is deletable, once it is transferred.
        multipleDownloads - if true, the file may be transferred more than once. Otherwise, all file handles are attempted to be made invalid after the first transfer, although no guarantees are made.
        ArgumentNotValid - if file is null, or not a readable file.
        IOFailure - if checksums are requested, but i/o errors occur while checksumming.
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static RemoteFile getInstance​(File f,
                                             Boolean useChecksums,
                                             Boolean fileDeletable,
                                             Boolean multipleDownloads)
        Initialises a remote file implemented by point-to-point HTTPS communication.
        f - The file to make a remote file for
        useChecksums - Whether communications are checksummed. If true, getChecksum will also return the checksum.
        fileDeletable - if true, the file given to this method is deletable, once it is transferred.
        multipleDownloads - if true, the file may be transferred more than once. Otherwise, all file handles are attempted to be made invalid after the first transfer, although no guarantees are made.
        ArgumentNotValid - if file is null, or not a readable file.
        IOFailure - if checksums are requested, but i/o errors occur while checksumming.
      • getRegistry

        protected HTTPRemoteFileRegistry getRegistry()
        Get the HTTPS serving registry for remote files. Overrides the HTTP registry use by HTTPRemoteFile.
        getRegistry in class HTTPRemoteFile
        registry for remote files.