Class RunBatch

  • public class RunBatch
    extends ToolRunnerBase
    A command-line tool to run batch jobs in the bitarchive.

    Usage: java with arguments as defined in local class BatchParameters

    -J<jarfile> is a file containing all the classes needed by a BatchJob
    -C<classfile> is a file containing a FileBatchJob implementation
    -R<regexp> is a regular expression that will be matched against file names in the archive, by default .*
    -B<replica> is the name of the bitarchive replica this should be run on, by default taken from settings.
    -O<outputfile< is a file where the output from the batch job will be written. By default, it goes to stdout.
    -E<errorFile> is a file where the errors from the batch job will be written. By default, it goes to stderr.
    -N<className> is the name of the primary class to be loaded when doing a LoadableJarBatchJob
    -A<Arguments> The arguments for the batchjob, separated by '##', e.g. -Aarg1##arg2##...
    java -CFindMime.class \ -R10-*.arc -BReplicaOne -Omimes
    java -JFindMime.jar -NFindMime \ -R10-*.arc -BReplicaOne -Omimes
    Note that you probably want to set the application instance id setting ( CommonSettings#APPLICATION_INSTANCE_ID) to something other than its default value to avoid clashing with other channel listeners.

    • Constructor Detail

      • RunBatch

        public RunBatch()
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] argv)
        Main method. Runs a batch job in the bitarchive. Setup, teardown and run is delegated to the RunBatchTool class. Management of this, exception handling etc. is delegated to ToolRunnerBase class.
        argv - command line parameters as defined in local class BatchParameters required: The name of a class-file containing an implementation of FileBatchJob Name of jar file which includes the class file, and the className