Interface JMXProxyConnection

  • public interface JMXProxyConnection
    JMX interface for connection objects that can be used for accessing MBeans on remote servers. Connection method and policies are implementation-dependent.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      <T> T createProxy​( name, java.lang.Class<T> intf)
      Method to create a proxy to a given MBean on some remote server.
      boolean isLive()
      Returns true if this object still can return usable proxies.
      java.util.Set<> query​(java.lang.String query)
      Get the set of ObjectNames from the remote MBeanserver, that matches the given query.
    • Method Detail

      • createProxy

        <T> T createProxy​( name,
                          java.lang.Class<T> intf)
        Method to create a proxy to a given MBean on some remote server. Example use:

        SingleLogRecord logMsg = (SingleLogRecord) myJMXProxyFactory.createProxy(myObjectName,SingleLogRecord.class);

        Type Parameters:
        T -
        name - The name of an MBean on some remote server.
        intf - The interface that the returned proxy should implement.
        an object implementing T. This object forwards all method calls to the named MBean.
      • query

        java.util.Set<> query​(java.lang.String query)
        Get the set of ObjectNames from the remote MBeanserver, that matches the given query.
        query - the given query
        the set of ObjectNames, that matches the given query.
        IOFailure - on communication trouble.
        ArgumentNotValid - on null or empty query.
      • isLive

        boolean isLive()
        Returns true if this object still can return usable proxies.
        True if we can return usable proxies. Otherwise, somebody may have to make a new instance of JMXProxyFactory to get new proxies.