Interface MonitorMessageVisitor

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    MonitorMessageHandler, MonitorRegistryServer

    public interface MonitorMessageVisitor
    Interface for all classes which handles monitor-related messages received from a JMS server. This is implemented with a visitor pattern: Upon receipt, the MonitorMessageHandler.onMessage() method invokes the MonitorMessage.accept() method on the message with itself as argument. The accept() method in turn invokes the MonitorMessageVisitor.visit() method, using method overloading to invoke the visit method for the message received.

    Thus to handle a message, you should subclass MonitorMessageHandler and override the visit() method for that kind of message. You should not implement this interface in any other way.

    • Method Detail

      • visit

        void visit​(RegisterHostMessage msg)
        This method should be overridden to handle the receipt of a message.
        msg - A received message.