Class ScheduleDefinition

  • public final class ScheduleDefinition
    extends java.lang.Object
    Contains utility methods for creating and editing schedule definitions for harvests.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void processRequest​(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context, I18n i18n)
      Processes the request parameters for the page Definitions-edit-schedule.jsp The parameters are first checked for validity.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • processRequest

        public static void processRequest​(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext context,
                                          I18n i18n)
        Processes the request parameters for the page Definitions-edit-schedule.jsp The parameters are first checked for validity. If they are not acceptable, an exception is thrown, otherwise the parameters are passed on to the methods editScheduleDefinition() which edits or creates the relevant schedule.

        update: if set, execute this method name: the name of the schedule If name is unset and update is unset, the GUI can be used to create a new schedule. It is an error condition to have name unset and update set.

        edition: the edition of the schedule being edited. If not specified, the name must not refer to an existing schedule. frequency: castable to an integer > 0. Actually the period between harvests in units of ... timespan: allowable values dage, timer, uger, måneder

        harvestTime: allowable values, whenever, aTime

        If whenever is set then ignore remaining values in this group frequency_hours: the hour time for harvesting, integer 0<=x<=23, must be set if aTime is set and timespan is not "hours" frequency_minutes: the minute time for harvesting, integer 0<=x<=59, must be set if aTime is set and timespan is not "hours" frequency_day: the day of the week on which the harvest is to take place. Allowable values 1-7. Must be set if timespan is set to "weeks". frequency_date: the date of the month on which harvests are to occur. Integer 1<=x<=31. Must be set if timespan is "months"

        beginAt: allowable values "asSoonAsPossible", "beginning". Not null firstHarvestTime: a date/time field in format DD/MM YYYY hh:mm. Must be set if beginAt="beginning"

        continue: allowable values "forever", "toTime", "numberOfHarvests" endHarvestTime: a date/time field in format DD/MM YYYY hh:mm. Must be set if continue="beginning" numberOfHarvests: int > 0. Must be set if continue="numberOfHarvests"

        context - Context of web request
        i18n - I18N information