Class CreateCDXMetadataFile

  • public class CreateCDXMetadataFile
    extends ToolRunnerBase
    This tool creates a CDX metadata file for a given job's jobID and harvestPrefix by running a batch job on the bitarchive and processing the results to give a metadata file. Use option -w to select WARC output, and -a to select ARC output: If no option available, then warc mode is selected

    Usage: java -w --jobID 2 --harvestID 5 --harvestnamePrefix 2-1 Usage: java -a --jobID 2 --harvestID 5 --harvestnamePrefix 2-1 Usage: java --jobID 2 --harvestID 5 --harvestnamePrefix 2-1

    The CDX records is slightly different from the one produced normally. As we are not able to extract the timestamp, and harvestID from the (W) arcfilenames, this information is not part of the CXDURI.