Class IndexRequestMessage

    • Constructor Detail

      • IndexRequestMessage

        public IndexRequestMessage​(RequestType requestType,
                                   java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> jobSet,
                                   RemoteFileSettings ftpconnectionInfo)
                            throws ArgumentNotValid
        Generate an index request message. Receiver is always the index server channel, replyTo is always this index client.
        requestType - Type of index requested.
        jobSet - Type of index requested.
        ftpconnectionInfo - FTP connection parameters to be used (if null, we use the local settings)
        ArgumentNotValid - if any argument is null.
      • IndexRequestMessage

        public IndexRequestMessage​(RequestType requestType,
                                   java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> jobSet,
                                   ChannelID replyTo,
                                   boolean returnIndex,
                                   java.lang.Long harvestId)
        Generate an IndexRequestMessage that can send its reply to a specific channel.
        requestType - Type of index requested.
        jobSet - Type of index requested.
        replyTo - The channel to send the reply to.
        returnIndex - If true, include the index in the reply.
        harvestId - The harvestId needing this index for its jobs
    • Method Detail

      • getHarvestId

        public java.lang.Long getHarvestId()
        the harvestId which will use this index, if available.
      • mustReturnIndex

        public boolean mustReturnIndex()
        true, if this index requested should be returned to the caller. False, if we instead should send a IndexReadyMessage to the HarvestJobManager queue.
      • getRequestedJobs

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> getRequestedJobs()
        Get list of requested jobs. Should never return null.
        Set of jobs for which an index is requested.
      • getRequestType

        public RequestType getRequestType()
        Get the request type. Should never be null.
        Type of index requested.
      • getFoundJobs

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> getFoundJobs()
        Get the set of jobs for which the index is found. This should always be set on replies, and should always be a subset of the jobs requested. If set of jobs found jobs is the same as the set of requested jobs, the index file should also be present.
        Set of jobs for which the index is found.
      • setFoundJobs

        public void setFoundJobs​(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> foundJobs)
                          throws ArgumentNotValid
        On reply, set the set of jobs for which an index is found. This should always be set on replies, and should always be a subset of the jobs requested. If set of jobs found jobs is the same as the set of requested jobs, the index file should also be set.
        foundJobs - The set of jobs for which the index is found
        ArgumentNotValid - on null argument
      • getResultFile

        public RemoteFile getResultFile()
                                 throws IllegalState
        The index over the requested jobs. Only set on replies, and only if foundJobs is the same set as requestedJobs.
        index of requested jobs.
        IllegalState - if this message is a multiFile message.
      • getResultFiles

        public java.util.List<RemoteFilegetResultFiles()
                                                  throws IllegalState
        Returns the list of result files for the requested jobs.
        index of requested jobs in the form of several possibly co-dependent files.
        IllegalState - if this message is not a multiFile message.
      • setResultFile

        public void setResultFile​(RemoteFile resultFile)
                           throws IllegalState,
        On reply, set remote file containing index of requested jobs. Should _only_ be set when an index over ALL requested jobs is present.
        resultFile - RemoteFile containing index over requested jobs.
        ArgumentNotValid - on null argument.
        IllegalState - if the result file has already been set.
      • setResultFiles

        public void setResultFiles​(java.util.List<RemoteFile> resultFiles)
                            throws IllegalState,
        Set several result files making up an index of requested jobs. Should _only_ be set when an index over ALL requested jobs is present.
        resultFiles - RemoteFiles containing index over requested jobs.
        ArgumentNotValid - on null argument or null element in list.
        IllegalState - if the result files have already been set.
      • isIndexIsStoredInDirectory

        public boolean isIndexIsStoredInDirectory()
        If true, this message may carry multiple files that should be stored in a directory.
        True if more than one file may be transferred with this message.