Class CrawlLogIndexCache

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    DedupCrawlLogIndexCache, FullCrawlLogIndexCache

    public abstract class CrawlLogIndexCache
    extends CombiningMultiFileBasedCache<java.lang.Long>
    implements JobIndexCache
    A cache that serves Lucene indices of crawl logs for given job IDs. Uses the DigestIndexer in the deduplicator software: Upon combination of underlying files, each file in the Lucene index is gzipped and the compressed versions are stored in the directory given by getCacheFile(). The subclass has to determine in its constructor call which mime types are included.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      CrawlLogIndexCache​(java.lang.String name, boolean blacklist, java.lang.String mimeFilter)
      Constructor for the CrawlLogIndexCache class.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void combine​(java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​> rawfiles)
      Combine a number of crawl.log files into one Lucene index.
      protected static DigestIndexer createStandardIndexer​(java.lang.String indexLocation)
      Create standard deduplication indexer.
      protected static getSortedCDX​( cdxFile)
      Get a sorted, temporary CDX file corresponding to the given CDXfile.
      protected static getSortedCrawlLog​( file)
      Get a sorted, temporary crawl.log file from an unsorted one.
      protected static void indexFile​(java.lang.Long id, crawllogfile, cdxfile, DigestIndexer indexer, DigestOptions options)
      Ingest a single crawl.log file using the corresponding CDX file to find offsets.
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​> prepareCombine​(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> ids)
      Prepare data for combining.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • CrawlLogIndexCache

        public CrawlLogIndexCache​(java.lang.String name,
                                  boolean blacklist,
                                  java.lang.String mimeFilter)
        Constructor for the CrawlLogIndexCache class.
        name - The name of the CrawlLogIndexCache
        blacklist - Shall the mimefilter be considered a blacklist or a whitelist?
        mimeFilter - A regular expression for the mimetypes to exclude/include
    • Method Detail

      • prepareCombine

        protected java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​> prepareCombine​(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> ids)
        Prepare data for combining. This class overrides prepareCombine to make sure that CDX data is available.
        prepareCombine in class CombiningMultiFileBasedCache<java.lang.Long>
        ids - Set of IDs that will be combined.
        Map of ID->File of data to combine for the IDs where we could find data.
      • combine

        protected void combine​(java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​> rawfiles)
        Combine a number of crawl.log files into one Lucene index. This index is placed as gzip files under the directory returned by getCacheFile().
        Specified by:
        combine in class CombiningMultiFileBasedCache<java.lang.Long>
        rawfiles - The map from job ID into crawl.log contents. No null values are allowed in this map.
      • indexFile

        protected static void indexFile​(java.lang.Long id,
                                        DigestIndexer indexer,
                                        DigestOptions options)
        Ingest a single crawl.log file using the corresponding CDX file to find offsets.
        id - ID of a job to ingest.
        crawllogfile - The file containing the crawl.log data for the job
        cdxfile - The file containing the cdx data for the job
        options - The digesting options used.
        indexer - The indexer to add to.
      • getSortedCDX

        protected static getSortedCDX​( cdxFile)
        Get a sorted, temporary CDX file corresponding to the given CDXfile.
        cdxFile - A cdxfile
        A temporary file with CDX info for that just sorted according to the standard CDX sorting rules. This file will be removed at the exit of the JVM, but should be attempted removed when it is no longer used.
      • getSortedCrawlLog

        protected static getSortedCrawlLog​( file)
        Get a sorted, temporary crawl.log file from an unsorted one.
        file - The file containing an unsorted crawl.log file.
        A temporary file containing the entries sorted according to URL. The file will be removed upon exit of the JVM, but should be attempted removed when it is no longer used.
      • createStandardIndexer

        protected static DigestIndexer createStandardIndexer​(java.lang.String indexLocation)
        Create standard deduplication indexer.
        indexLocation - The full path to the indexing directory
        the created deduplication indexer.
        Throws: - If unable to open the index.