Class HeritrixController

    • Constructor Detail

      • HeritrixController

        public HeritrixController​(Heritrix3Files files,
                                  java.lang.String jobName)
        Create a BnfHeritrixController object.
        files - Files that are used to set up Heritrix3.
    • Method Detail

      • requestCrawlStart

        public void requestCrawlStart()
        Description copied from interface: IHeritrixController
        Request that Heritrix start crawling. When this method returns, either Heritrix has failed in the early stages, or the crawljob has been successfully created. Actual crawling will commence at some point hereafter.
      • requestCrawlStop

        public void requestCrawlStop​(java.lang.String reason)
        Description copied from interface: IHeritrixController
        Request that the crawler stops. This makes a call to beginCrawlStop(), unless the crawler is already shutting down. In that case it does nothing.
        reason - A human-readable reason the crawl is being stopped.
      • getHeritrixConsoleURL

        public java.lang.String getHeritrixConsoleURL()
        Return the URL for monitoring this instance.
        the URL for monitoring this instance.
      • getHeritrixJobConsoleURL

        public java.lang.String getHeritrixJobConsoleURL()
        Return the URL for monitoring the job of this instance.
        the URL for monitoring the job of this instance.
      • cleanup

        public void cleanup​( crawlDir)
        Cleanup after an Heritrix3 process. This entails sending the shutdown command to the Heritrix3 process, and killing it forcefully, if it is still alive after waiting the period of time specified by the CommonSettings.PROCESS_TIMEOUT setting.
        crawlDir - the crawldir to cleanup (argument is currently not used)
        See Also:
      • getAdminInterfaceUrl

        public java.lang.String getAdminInterfaceUrl()
        Return the URL for monitoring this instance.
        the URL for monitoring this instance.
      • getCrawlProgress

        public CrawlProgressMessage getCrawlProgress()
        Gets a message that stores the information summarizing the crawl progress.
        a message that stores the information summarizing the crawl progress.
      • atFinish

        public boolean atFinish()
        Description copied from interface: IHeritrixController
        Query whether Heritrix is in a state where it can finish crawling. Returns true if no uris remain to be harvested, or it has met either the maxbytes limit, the document limit, or the time-limit for the current harvest.
        True if Heritrix thinks it is time to stop crawling.
      • beginCrawlStop

        public void beginCrawlStop()
        Description copied from interface: IHeritrixController
        Tell Heritrix to stop crawling. Heritrix may take a while to actually stop, so you cannot assume that crawling is stopped when this method returns.
      • cleanup

        public void cleanup()
        Description copied from interface: IHeritrixController
        Release any resources kept by the class.
      • crawlIsEnded

        public boolean crawlIsEnded()
        Description copied from interface: IHeritrixController
        Returns true if the crawl has ended, either because Heritrix finished or because we terminated it.
        True if the CrawlEnded event has happened in Heritrix, indicating that all crawls have stopped.
      • getActiveToeCount

        public int getActiveToeCount()
        Description copied from interface: IHeritrixController
        Get the number of currently active ToeThreads (crawler threads).
        Number of ToeThreads currently active within Heritrix.
      • getCurrentProcessedKBPerSec

        public int getCurrentProcessedKBPerSec()
        Description copied from interface: IHeritrixController
        Get an estimate of the rate, in kb, at which documents are currently being processed by the crawler.
        Number of KB data downloaded by Heritrix over an undefined interval up to now.
        See Also:
      • getHarvestInformation

        public java.lang.String getHarvestInformation()
        Description copied from interface: IHeritrixController
        Get harvest information. An example of this can be an URL pointing to the GUI of a running Heritrix process.
        information about the harvest process.
      • getProgressStats

        public java.lang.String getProgressStats()
        Description copied from interface: IHeritrixController
        Get a human-readable set of statistics on the progress of the crawl. The statistics is discovered uris, queued uris, downloaded uris, doc/s(avg), KB/s(avg), dl-failures, busy-thread, mem-use-KB, heap-size-KB, congestion, max-depth, avg-depth. If no statistics are available, the string "No statistics available" is returned. Note: this method may disappear in the future.
        Some ascii-formatted statistics on the progress of the crawl.
      • getQueuedUriCount

        public long getQueuedUriCount()
        Description copied from interface: IHeritrixController
        Get the number of URIs currently on the queue to be processed. This number may not be exact and should only be used in informal texts.
        How many URIs Heritrix have lined up for processing.
      • isPaused

        public boolean isPaused()
        Description copied from interface: IHeritrixController
        Returns true if the crawler has been paused, and thus not supposed to fetch anything. Heritrix may still be fetching stuff, as it takes some time for it to go into full pause mode. This method can be used as an indicator that we should not be worried if Heritrix appears to be idle.
        True if the crawler has been paused, e.g. by using the Heritrix GUI.