Class ExtendedFieldTypeDBDAO

    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected ExtendedFieldTypeDBDAO()
      Default constructor of this class.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean exists​(java.lang.Long aExtendedfieldtypeId)
      Tests if exists an ExtendedFieldType with the given ID.
      java.util.List<ExtendedFieldType> getAll()  
      ExtendedFieldType read​(java.lang.Long aExtendedfieldtypeId)
      Read an ExtendedFieldType belonging to the given id.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExtendedFieldTypeDBDAO

        protected ExtendedFieldTypeDBDAO()
        Default constructor of this class. Tries to make any necessary migration of the database.
    • Method Detail

      • exists

        public boolean exists​(java.lang.Long aExtendedfieldtypeId)
        Description copied from class: ExtendedFieldTypeDAO
        Tests if exists an ExtendedFieldType with the given ID.
        Specified by:
        exists in class ExtendedFieldTypeDAO
        aExtendedfieldtypeId - An id belonging to an ExtendedFieldType
        true, if there exists an ExtendedFieldType with the given ID, otherwise returns false.
      • read

        public ExtendedFieldType read​(java.lang.Long aExtendedfieldtypeId)
        Description copied from class: ExtendedFieldTypeDAO
        Read an ExtendedFieldType belonging to the given id.
        Specified by:
        read in class ExtendedFieldTypeDAO
        aExtendedfieldtypeId - an id belonging to a ExtendedFieldType
        an ExtendedFieldType from belonging to the given id.