Class HourlyFrequency

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      HourlyFrequency​(int numUnits)
      Create a new HourlyFrequency that happens every numUnits hours, at an unspecified minute.
      HourlyFrequency​(int numUnits, int minute)
      Create a new HourlyFrequency that happens every numUnits hours, on the minute.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
      Autogenerated equals.
      java.util.Date getFirstEvent​(java.util.Date startTime)
      Given a starting time, tell us when the first event should happen.
      int getMinute()
      If not anytime, the minute at which events should start.
      java.util.Date getNextEvent​(java.util.Date lastEvent)
      Given when the last event happened, tell us when the next event should happen (even if the new event is in the past).
      java.lang.Integer getOnDayOfMonth()
      Return the exact day of month event should happen on, or null if this is an anyTime event or doesn't define what day of month it should happen on.
      java.lang.Integer getOnDayOfWeek()
      Return the exact day of week event should happen on, or null if this is an anyTime event or doesn't define what day of week it should happen on.
      java.lang.Integer getOnHour()
      Return the exact hour event should happen on, or null if this is an anyTime event or doesn't define what hour it should happen on.
      java.lang.Integer getOnMinute()
      Return the exact minute event should happen on, or null if this is an anyTime event or doesn't define what minute it should happen on.
      int hashCode()
      Autogenerated hashcode method.
      int ordinal()
      Return an integer that can be used to identify the kind of frequency.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Human readable representation of this object.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • HourlyFrequency

        public HourlyFrequency​(int numUnits)
        Create a new HourlyFrequency that happens every numUnits hours, at an unspecified minute.
        numUnits - Number of hours from one event to the next
        ArgumentNotValid - if numUnits if 0 or negative
      • HourlyFrequency

        public HourlyFrequency​(int numUnits,
                               int minute)
        Create a new HourlyFrequency that happens every numUnits hours, on the minute.
        numUnits - Number of hours from one event to the next
        minute - What minute of the hour the event should happen on.
        ArgumentNotValid - if numUnits if 0 or negative or minutes is <0 or >59
    • Method Detail

      • getNextEvent

        public java.util.Date getNextEvent​(java.util.Date lastEvent)
        Given when the last event happened, tell us when the next event should happen (even if the new event is in the past).

        The time of the next event is guaranteed to be later that lastEvent. For certain frequencies (e.g. once a day, any time of day), the time of the next event is derived from lastEvent, for others (e.g. once a day at 13:00) the time of the next event is the first matching time after lastEvent.

        Specified by:
        getNextEvent in class Frequency
        lastEvent - A time from which the next event should be calculated.
        At what point the event should happen next.
        ArgumentNotValid - if lastEvent is null
      • getFirstEvent

        public java.util.Date getFirstEvent​(java.util.Date startTime)
        Given a starting time, tell us when the first event should happen.
        Specified by:
        getFirstEvent in class Frequency
        startTime - The earliest time the event can happen.
        At what point the event should happen the first time.
        ArgumentNotValid - if startTime is null
      • getMinute

        public int getMinute()
        If not anytime, the minute at which events should start.
        the minute
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        Autogenerated equals.
        equals in class Frequency
        o - The object to compare with
        Whether objects are equal
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Autogenerated hashcode method.
        hashCode in class Frequency
        the hashcode
      • getOnMinute

        public java.lang.Integer getOnMinute()
        Return the exact minute event should happen on, or null if this is an anyTime event or doesn't define what minute it should happen on.
        Specified by:
        getOnMinute in class Frequency
        the exact minute event should happen on
      • getOnHour

        public java.lang.Integer getOnHour()
        Return the exact hour event should happen on, or null if this is an anyTime event or doesn't define what hour it should happen on.
        Specified by:
        getOnHour in class Frequency
        null always
      • getOnDayOfWeek

        public java.lang.Integer getOnDayOfWeek()
        Return the exact day of week event should happen on, or null if this is an anyTime event or doesn't define what day of week it should happen on.
        Specified by:
        getOnDayOfWeek in class Frequency
        null always
      • getOnDayOfMonth

        public java.lang.Integer getOnDayOfMonth()
        Return the exact day of month event should happen on, or null if this is an anyTime event or doesn't define what day of month it should happen on.
        Specified by:
        getOnDayOfMonth in class Frequency
        null (always)
      • ordinal

        public int ordinal()
        Return an integer that can be used to identify the kind of frequency. No two subclasses should use the same integer
        Specified by:
        ordinal in class Frequency
        an integer that can be used to identify the kind of frequency
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Human readable representation of this object.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        Human readable representation