Class ArchiveBatchJob

    • Method Detail

      • processRecord

        public abstract void processRecord​(ArchiveRecordBase record,
        Exceptions should be handled with the handleException() method.
        os - The OutputStream to which output data is written
        record - the object to be processed.
      • getFilter

        public ArchiveBatchFilter getFilter()
        Returns an ArchiveBatchFilter object which restricts the set of records in the archive on which this batch-job is performed. The default value is a neutral filter which allows all records.
        A filter telling which records should be given to processRecord().
      • processFile

        public final boolean processFile​( archiveFile,
                                  throws ArgumentNotValid
        Accepts only arc(.gz) and warc(.gz) files. Runs through all records and calls processRecord() on every record that is allowed by getFilter(). Does nothing on a non-(w)arc file.
        Specified by:
        processFile in class FileBatchJob
        archiveFile - The arc(.gz) or warc(.gz) file to be processed.
        os - the OutputStream to which output is to be written
        true, if file processed successful, otherwise false
        ArgumentNotValid - if either argument is null