Class XmlUtils

  • public class XmlUtils
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utilities for handling XML-files.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static org.dom4j.Document documentFromString​(java.lang.String xml)
      Parses a given string to produce a Document instance.
      static org.dom4j.Document getXmlDoc​( f)
      Read and parse an XML-file, and return a Document object representing this object.
      static org.dom4j.Document getXmlDoc​( resourceAsStream)
      Read and parse an XML stream, and return a Document object representing this object.
      static void setNode​(org.dom4j.Document doc, java.lang.String xpath, java.lang.String value)
      Set a XmlNode defined by the given XPath to the given value.
      static void setNodes​(org.dom4j.Document doc, java.lang.String xpath, java.lang.String value)
      Set a List of XmlNodes defined by the given XPath to the given value.
      static void validateWithXSD​( xsdFile)
      Validate that the settings xml files conforms to the XSD.
      static void writeXmlToFile​(org.dom4j.Document doc, f)
      Write document tree to file.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getXmlDoc

        public static org.dom4j.Document getXmlDoc​( f)
                                            throws IOFailure
        Read and parse an XML-file, and return a Document object representing this object.
        f - a given xml file
        a Document representing the xml file
        IOFailure - if unable to read the xml file or unable to parse the file as XML
      • getXmlDoc

        public static org.dom4j.Document getXmlDoc​( resourceAsStream)
        Read and parse an XML stream, and return a Document object representing this object.
        resourceAsStream - a given xml document
        a Document representing the xml document
        IOFailure - if unable to read the xml document or unable to parse the document as XML
      • setNode

        public static void setNode​(org.dom4j.Document doc,
                                   java.lang.String xpath,
                                   java.lang.String value)
        Set a XmlNode defined by the given XPath to the given value.
        doc - the Document, which is being modified
        xpath - the given XPath
        value - the given value
        IOFailure - If the given XPath was not found in the document
      • setNodes

        public static void setNodes​(org.dom4j.Document doc,
                                    java.lang.String xpath,
                                    java.lang.String value)
        Set a List of XmlNodes defined by the given XPath to the given value.
        doc - the Document, which is being modified
        xpath - the given XPath
        value - the given value
        IOFailure - If the given XPath was not found in the document
      • validateWithXSD

        public static void validateWithXSD​( xsdFile)
        Validate that the settings xml files conforms to the XSD.
        xsdFile - Schema to check settings against.
        ArgumentNotValid - if unable to validate the settings files
        IOFailure - If unable to read the settings files and/or the xsd file.
      • writeXmlToFile

        public static void writeXmlToFile​(org.dom4j.Document doc,
                                   throws IOFailure
        Write document tree to file.
        doc - the document tree to save.
        f - the file to write the document to.
        IOFailure - On trouble writing XML file to disk.
      • documentFromString

        public static org.dom4j.Document documentFromString​(java.lang.String xml)
                                                     throws org.dom4j.DocumentException
        Parses a given string to produce a Document instance.
        xml - Some XML text.
        a Document parsed from the given xml.
        org.dom4j.DocumentException - If unable to parse the given text as XML.