Class ChecksumCalculator

  • public final class ChecksumCalculator
    extends java.lang.Object
    Calculates MD5 or SHA1 checksums on files using the built-in Java methods.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String MD5
      Defines the MD5 checksum algorithm
      static java.lang.String SHA1
      Defines the SHA1 checksum algorithm
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static java.lang.String calculateMd5​(byte[] msg)
      Generate an MD5 for a byte array.
      static java.lang.String calculateMd5​( src)
      Calculate MD5 for a file.
      static java.lang.String calculateMd5​( instream)
      Calculates an MD5 digest on an InputStream, throwing away the data itself.
      static java.lang.String calculateSha1​( src)
      Calculate the SHA-1 DIGEST for a file.
      static java.lang.String calculateSha1​( instream)
      Calculates an SHA-1 digest on an InputStream, throwing away the data itself.
      static byte[] digestFile​( src, java.lang.String digestAlgorithm)  
      static byte[] digestInputStream​( instream, java.lang.String algorithm)  
      static getMessageDigest​(java.lang.String algorithm)
      Get a MessageDigest for a specific algorithm.
      static java.lang.String toHex​(byte[] ba)
      Converts a byte array to a hexstring.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • calculateMd5

        public static java.lang.String calculateMd5​( src)
        Calculate MD5 for a file.
        src - The file to calculate MD5 for.
        The MD5 sum of a file as a 32 characters long Hex string.
      • calculateSha1

        public static java.lang.String calculateSha1​( src)
        Calculate the SHA-1 DIGEST for a file.
        src - The file to calculate SHA-1 for.
        The SHA-1 sum of a file as a 32 characters long Hex string.
      • calculateMd5

        public static java.lang.String calculateMd5​( instream)
        Calculates an MD5 digest on an InputStream, throwing away the data itself. Throws Alert if there is an error reading from the stream
        instream - An InputStream to calculate the MD5 digest on. The contents of the stream will be consumed by this call, but the stream will not be closed.
        The calculated MD5 digest as a string.
      • calculateSha1

        public static java.lang.String calculateSha1​( instream)
        Calculates an SHA-1 digest on an InputStream, throwing away the data itself. Throws Alert if there is an error reading from the stream
        instream - An InputStream to calculate the SHA-1 digest on. The contents of the stream will be consumed by this call, but the stream will not be closed.
        The calculated SHA-1 digest as a string.
      • calculateMd5

        public static java.lang.String calculateMd5​(byte[] msg)
        Generate an MD5 for a byte array.
        msg - The given bytearray
        the MD5 for a byte array
      • toHex

        public static java.lang.String toHex​(byte[] ba)
        Converts a byte array to a hexstring.
        ba - the bytearray to be converted
        ba converted to a hexstring
      • digestFile

        public static byte[] digestFile​( src,
                                        java.lang.String digestAlgorithm)
      • digestInputStream

        public static byte[] digestInputStream​( instream,
                                               java.lang.String algorithm)
      • getMessageDigest

        public static getMessageDigest​(java.lang.String algorithm)
        Get a MessageDigest for a specific algorithm.
        algorithm - a specific MessageDigest algorithm.
        a MessageDigest for a specific algorithm