Class ArcWrap

  • public class ArcWrap
    extends ToolRunnerBase
    Command line tool for creating an ARC file from given data. Uses ToolRunnerBase and SimpleCmdlineTool to coordinate task. Usage: java input_file uri mime-type > myarchive.arc Note: Does not depend on logging - communicates failure on stderr
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)
        Main method. Reads given content and outputs an ARC file on stdout. The output ARC file has two records: the ARC file header and one record containing the given content. The uri and mimetype of the latter record are specified as command line parameters. Setup, teardown and run is delegated to the ArcWrapTool class. Management of this, exception handling etc. is delegated to ToolRunnerBase class.
        args - Takes three command line parameters: - input file (the content to archive) - uri (the name to record the content by) - mime-type (the type to record for the content)