Class HTTPSRemoteFile

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HTTPSRemoteFile
    extends HTTPRemoteFile
    A remote file implemented with point-to-point HTTPS communication. Optimised to communicate locally, if file is on the same host. Optimised to transfer 0 byte files inline. Will use one shared certificate for secure communication.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static java.lang.String HTTPSREMOTEFILE_KEYSTORE_FILE
        The setting for the keystore file used for HTTPS remotefiles. It contains the certificate for HTTPS

        public static java.lang.String HTTPSREMOTEFILE_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD
        The setting for the password that the keystore used for HTTPS remotefile keystore is encrypted with. Refer to the configuration manual for how to build a keystore.

        public static java.lang.String HTTPSREMOTEFILE_KEY_PASSWORD
        The setting for the password that the certificate used for HTTPS remotefile (private key) is encrypted with.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HTTPSRemoteFile

        protected HTTPSRemoteFile​( file,
                                  boolean useChecksums,
                                  boolean fileDeletable,
                                  boolean multipleDownloads)
        Initialises a remote file implemented by point-to-point HTTPS communication.
        file - The file to make a remote file for
        useChecksums - Whether communications are checksummed. If true, getChecksum will also return the checksum.
        fileDeletable - if true, the file given to this method is deletable, once it is transferred.
        multipleDownloads - if true, the file may be transferred more than once. Otherwise, all file handles are attempted to be made invalid after the first transfer, although no guarantees are made.
        ArgumentNotValid - if file is null, or not a readable file.
        IOFailure - if checksums are requested, but i/o errors occur while checksumming.
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static RemoteFile getInstance​( f,
                                             java.lang.Boolean useChecksums,
                                             java.lang.Boolean fileDeletable,
                                             java.lang.Boolean multipleDownloads)
        Initialises a remote file implemented by point-to-point HTTPS communication.
        f - The file to make a remote file for
        useChecksums - Whether communications are checksummed. If true, getChecksum will also return the checksum.
        fileDeletable - if true, the file given to this method is deletable, once it is transferred.
        multipleDownloads - if true, the file may be transferred more than once. Otherwise, all file handles are attempted to be made invalid after the first transfer, although no guarantees are made.
        ArgumentNotValid - if file is null, or not a readable file.
        IOFailure - if checksums are requested, but i/o errors occur while checksumming.