Class BatchReplyMessage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class BatchReplyMessage
    extends ArchiveMessage
    Message class used by the bit archive monitor to notify the ArcRepository of a completed batch job.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • BatchReplyMessage

        public BatchReplyMessage​(ChannelID to,
                                 ChannelID replyTo,
                                 java.lang.String originatingBatchMsgId,
                                 int filesProcessed,
                                 java.util.Collection<> failedFiles,
                                 RemoteFile resultFile)
                          throws ArgumentNotValid
        Message to signal from BitarchiveMonitorServer that the batch job identified by originatingBatchMsgId is completed. Holds status information: list of files processed and a list of files on which the batch job failed
        to - The queue to which this message is to be sent. This will normally be the ARCREPOS queue
        replyTo - The queue that should receive replies.
        originatingBatchMsgId - The Id of the BathMessage which gave rise to this reply
        filesProcessed - The total number of file processed in this batch job
        failedFiles - A Collection of strings with the names of files on which this batch job failed. May be null or empty for no errors.
        resultFile - The RemoteFile containing the output from the batch job, or null if an error occurred that prevented the creation of the file.
        ArgumentNotValid - if the input parameters are not meaningful
    • Method Detail

      • getNoOfFilesProcessed

        public int getNoOfFilesProcessed()
        Returns the total number of files processed by this batch job.
        the number of files
      • getFilesFailed

        public java.util.Collection<> getFilesFailed()
        Retrieves the collection of files, where this batchjob has failed. (may be null)
        The collection of failed files
      • getResultFile

        public RemoteFile getResultFile()
        Returns the RemoteFile that contains the output of this batchjob. May be null if the message is not ok.
        the RemoteFile mentioned above. May be null, if the message is not ok.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Retrieval of a string representing the instance.
        toString in class NetarkivetMessage
        A string representing this instance.