Class ArcRepositoryEntry

  • public class ArcRepositoryEntry
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class contains the information that we keep about each file in the arcrepository: Checksum and the store states for all bitarchives.

    TODO Maybe don't have the store state info for fully completed stores, or else use a slimmer map for it.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ArcRepositoryEntry​(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String md5sum, StoreMessage replyInfo)
      Create a new entry with given checksum and replyinfo.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArcRepositoryEntry

        public ArcRepositoryEntry​(java.lang.String filename,
                                  java.lang.String md5sum,
                                  StoreMessage replyInfo)
        Create a new entry with given checksum and replyinfo.
        filename - The filename for this entry
        md5sum - The checksum for this entry
        replyInfo - The one-use-only reply info chunk
    • Method Detail

      • getGeneralStoreState

        public ArchiveStoreState getGeneralStoreState()
        Get the ArchiveStoreState for the entry in general. This is computed from the ArchiveStoreStates for the bitarchives.
        1. If no information about the bitarchives are available, the state UPLOAD_FAILED with timestamp=NOW is returned
        2. If there are information about one bitarchive, the state of this bitarchive is returned.
        3. If there are information from more than one bitarchive, A. if the state of one of the bitarchives equals UPLOAD_FAILED, the state UPLOAD_FAILED with the latest timestamp is returned B. else, find the lowest state of the N bitarchives: return this state together with the the latest timestamp

        Note that the storestate and the timestamp might not come from the same bitarchive.

        the current ArchiveStoreState for the entry in general
      • getStoreState

        public ReplicaStoreState getStoreState​(java.lang.String baId)
        Get the StoreState for this entry for a given bitarchive or null if none.
        baId - a bitarchive id
        the StoreState for a given bitarchive.
      • getChecksum

        public java.lang.String getChecksum()
        Get the checksum for this entry.
        the stored checksum for this entry