002 * #%L
003 * Netarchivesuite - harvester
004 * %%
005 * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2018 The Royal Danish Library, 
006 *             the National Library of France and the Austrian National Library.
007 * %%
008 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
009 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
010 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
011 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
012 * 
013 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
014 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
016 * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
017 * 
018 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
019 * License along with this program.  If not, see
020 * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
021 * #L%
022 */
024package dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel;
026import java.sql.Clob;
027import java.sql.Connection;
028import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
029import java.sql.ResultSet;
030import java.sql.SQLException;
031import java.sql.Statement;
032import java.sql.Timestamp;
033import java.sql.Types;
034import java.util.ArrayList;
035import java.util.Arrays;
036import java.util.Collections;
037import java.util.Date;
038import java.util.HashMap;
039import java.util.Iterator;
040import java.util.LinkedList;
041import java.util.List;
042import java.util.Map;
043import java.util.stream.Collectors;
045import org.slf4j.Logger;
046import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
048import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.ArgumentNotValid;
049import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.IOFailure;
050import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.PermissionDenied;
051import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.UnknownID;
052import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.DBUtils;
053import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.DomainUtils;
054import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.FilterIterator;
055import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.StringUtils;
056import dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.eav.EAV;
057import dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.eav.EAV.AttributeAndType;
058import dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.extendedfield.ExtendedFieldValue;
059import dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.extendedfield.ExtendedFieldValueDAO;
060import dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.extendedfield.ExtendedFieldValueDBDAO;
063 * A database-based implementation of the DomainDAO.
064 * <p>
065 * The statements to create the tables are located in:
066 * <ul>
067 * <li><em>Derby:</em> scripts/sql/createfullhddb.sql</li>
068 * <li><em>MySQL:</em> scripts/sql/createfullhddb.mysql</li>
069 * <li><em>PostgreSQL:</em> scripts/postgresql/netarchivesuite_init.sql</li>
070 * </ul>
071 */
072public class DomainDBDAO extends DomainDAO {
074    /** The log. */
075    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DomainDBDAO.class);
077    /**
078     * Creates a database-based implementation of the DomainDAO. Will check that all schemas have correct versions, and
079     * update the ones that haven't.
080     *
081     * @throws IOFailure on trouble updating tables to new versions, or on tables with wrong versions that we don't know
082     * how to change to expected version.
083     */
084    protected DomainDBDAO() {
085        Connection connection = HarvestDBConnection.get();
086        try {
087            HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.CONFIGURATIONS);
088            HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.DOMAINS);
089            HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.CONFIGPASSWORDS);
090            HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.CONFIGSEEDLISTS);
091            HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.SEEDLISTS);
092            HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.PASSWORDS);
093            HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.OWNERINFO);
094            HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.HISTORYINFO);
095            HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.EXTENDEDFIELDTYPE);
096            HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.EXTENDEDFIELD);
097            HarvesterDatabaseTables.checkVersion(connection, HarvesterDatabaseTables.EXTENDEDFIELDVALUE);
098        } finally {
099            HarvestDBConnection.release(connection);
100        }
101    }
103    @Override
104    protected void create(Connection connection, Domain d) {
105        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(d, "d");
106        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(d.getName(), "d.getName()");
107        ArgumentNotValid.checkTrue(DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(d.getName()),"Not creating domain wth invalid name " + d.getName());
109        if (exists(connection, d.getName())) {
110            String msg = "Cannot create already existing domain " + d;
111            log.debug(msg);
112            throw new PermissionDenied(msg);
113        }
115        PreparedStatement s = null;
116        log.debug("trying to create domain with name: " + d.getName());
117        try {
118            connection.setAutoCommit(false);
119            s = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO domains "
120                    + "(name, comments, defaultconfig, crawlertraps, edition, alias, lastaliasupdate ) "
121                    + "VALUES ( ?, ?, -1, ?, ?, ?, ? )", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
122            // Id is autogenerated
123            // defaultconfig cannot exist yet, so we put in -1
124            // until we have configs
125            DBUtils.setName(s, 1, d, Constants.MAX_NAME_SIZE);
126            DBUtils.setComments(s, 2, d, Constants.MAX_COMMENT_SIZE);
127            s.setString(3, StringUtils.conjoin("\n", d.getCrawlerTraps()));
128            long initialEdition = 1;
129            s.setLong(4, initialEdition);
130            AliasInfo aliasInfo = d.getAliasInfo();
131            DBUtils.setLongMaybeNull(
132                    s,
133                    5,
134                    aliasInfo == null ? null : DBUtils.selectLongValue(connection,
135                            "SELECT domain_id FROM domains WHERE name = ?", aliasInfo.getAliasOf()));
136            DBUtils.setDateMaybeNull(s, 6, aliasInfo == null ? null : aliasInfo.getLastChange());
137            s.executeUpdate();
139            d.setID(DBUtils.getGeneratedID(s));
140            s.close();
142            Iterator<Password> passwords = d.getAllPasswords();
143            while (passwords.hasNext()) {
144                Password p = passwords.next();
145                insertPassword(connection, d, p);
146            }
148            Iterator<SeedList> seedlists = d.getAllSeedLists();
149            if (!seedlists.hasNext()) {
150                String msg = "No seedlists for domain " + d;
151                log.debug(msg);
152                throw new ArgumentNotValid(msg);
153            }
154            while (seedlists.hasNext()) {
155                SeedList sl = seedlists.next();
156                insertSeedlist(connection, d, sl);
157            }
159            Iterator<DomainConfiguration> dcs = d.getAllConfigurations();
160            if (!dcs.hasNext()) {
161                String msg = "No configurations for domain " + d;
162                log.debug(msg);
163                throw new ArgumentNotValid(msg);
164            }
165            while (dcs.hasNext()) {
166                DomainConfiguration dc = dcs.next();
167                insertConfiguration(connection, d, dc);
169                // Create xref tables for seedlists referenced by this config
170                createConfigSeedlistsEntries(connection, d, dc);
172                // Create xref tables for passwords referenced by this config
173                createConfigPasswordsEntries(connection, d, dc);
174            }
176            // Now that configs are defined, set the default config.
177            s = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE domains SET defaultconfig = (SELECT config_id FROM configurations "
178                    + "WHERE configurations.name = ? AND configurations.domain_id = ?) WHERE domain_id = ?");
179            DBUtils.setName(s, 1, d.getDefaultConfiguration(), Constants.MAX_NAME_SIZE);
180            s.setLong(2, d.getID());
181            s.setLong(3, d.getID());
182            s.executeUpdate();
183            s.close();
184            for (Iterator<HarvestInfo> hi = d.getHistory().getHarvestInfo(); hi.hasNext();) {
185                insertHarvestInfo(connection, d, hi.next());
186            }
188            for (DomainOwnerInfo doi : d.getAllDomainOwnerInfo()) {
189                insertOwnerInfo(connection, d, doi);
190            }
192            saveExtendedFieldValues(connection, d);
194            connection.commit();
195            d.setEdition(initialEdition);
196        } catch (SQLException e) {
197            String message = "SQL error creating domain " + d + " in database" + "\n";
198            log.warn(message, e);
199            throw new IOFailure(message, e);
200        } finally {
201            DBUtils.rollbackIfNeeded(connection, "creating", d);
202        }
203    }
205    @Override
206    public synchronized void update(Domain d) {
207        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(d, "domain");
209        if (!exists(d.getName())) {
210            throw new UnknownID("No domain named " + d.getName() + " exists");
211        }
212        Connection connection = HarvestDBConnection.get();
213        PreparedStatement s = null;
214        try {
215            connection.setAutoCommit(false);
216            // Domain object may not have ID yet, so get it from the DB
217            long domainID = DBUtils.selectLongValue(connection, "SELECT domain_id FROM domains WHERE name = ?",
218                    d.getName());
219            if (d.hasID() && d.getID() != domainID) {
220                String message = "Domain " + d + " has wrong id: Has " + d.getID() + ", but persistent store claims "
221                        + domainID;
222                log.warn(message);
223                throw new ArgumentNotValid(message);
224            }
225            d.setID(domainID);
227            // The alias field is now updated using a separate select request
228            // rather than embedding the select inside the update statement.
229            // This change was needed to accommodate MySQL, and may lower
230            // performance.
231            s = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE domains SET "
232                    + "comments = ?, crawlertraps = ?, edition = ?, alias = ?, lastAliasUpdate = ? "
233                    + "WHERE domain_id = ? AND edition = ?");
234            DBUtils.setComments(s, 1, d, Constants.MAX_COMMENT_SIZE);
235            s.setString(2, StringUtils.conjoin("\n", d.getCrawlerTraps()));
236            final long newEdition = d.getEdition() + 1;
237            s.setLong(3, newEdition);
238            AliasInfo aliasInfo = d.getAliasInfo();
239            DBUtils.setLongMaybeNull(
240                    s,
241                    4,
242                    aliasInfo == null ? null : DBUtils.selectLongValue(connection,
243                            "SELECT domain_id FROM domains WHERE name = ?", aliasInfo.getAliasOf()));
244            DBUtils.setDateMaybeNull(s, 5, aliasInfo == null ? null : aliasInfo.getLastChange());
245            s.setLong(6, d.getID());
246            s.setLong(7, d.getEdition());
247            int rows = s.executeUpdate();
248            if (rows == 0) {
249                String message = "Edition " + d.getEdition() + " has expired, cannot update " + d;
250                log.debug(message);
251                throw new PermissionDenied(message);
252            }
253            s.close();
255            updatePasswords(connection, d);
257            updateSeedlists(connection, d);
259            updateConfigurations(connection, d);
261            updateOwnerInfo(connection, d);
263            updateHarvestInfo(connection, d);
265            saveExtendedFieldValues(connection, d);
267            // Now that configs are updated, we can set default_config
268            s = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE domains SET defaultconfig = (SELECT config_id "
269                    + "FROM configurations WHERE domain_id = ? AND name = ?) WHERE domain_id = ?");
270            s.setLong(1, d.getID());
271            s.setString(2, d.getDefaultConfiguration().getName());
272            s.setLong(3, d.getID());
273            s.executeUpdate();
274            connection.commit();
275            d.setEdition(newEdition);
276        } catch (SQLException e) {
277            String message = "SQL error updating domain " + d + " in database" + "\n";
278            log.warn(message, e);
279            throw new IOFailure(message, e);
280        } finally {
281            DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s);
282            DBUtils.rollbackIfNeeded(connection, "updating", d);
283            HarvestDBConnection.release(connection);
284        }
285    }
287    /**
288     * Update the list of passwords for the given domain, keeping IDs where applicable.
289     *
290     * @param c A connection to the database
291     * @param d A domain to update.
292     * @throws SQLException If any database problems occur during the update process.
293     */
294    private void updatePasswords(Connection c, Domain d) throws SQLException {
295        Map<String, Long> oldNames = DBUtils.selectStringLongMap(c,
296                "SELECT name, password_id FROM passwords WHERE domain_id = ?", d.getID());
297        PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("UPDATE passwords SET " + "comments = ?, " + "url = ?, "
298                + "realm = ?, username = ?, " + "password = ? " + "WHERE name = ? AND domain_id = ?");
299        for (Iterator<Password> pwds = d.getAllPasswords(); pwds.hasNext();) {
300            Password pwd = pwds.next();
301            if (oldNames.containsKey(pwd.getName())) {
302                DBUtils.setComments(s, 1, pwd, Constants.MAX_COMMENT_SIZE);
303                DBUtils.setStringMaxLength(s, 2, pwd.getPasswordDomain(), Constants.MAX_URL_SIZE, pwd, "password url");
304                DBUtils.setStringMaxLength(s, 3, pwd.getRealm(), Constants.MAX_REALM_NAME_SIZE, pwd, "password realm");
305                DBUtils.setStringMaxLength(s, 4, pwd.getUsername(), Constants.MAX_USER_NAME_SIZE, pwd,
306                        "password username");
307                DBUtils.setStringMaxLength(s, 5, pwd.getPassword(), Constants.MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE, pwd, "password");
308                s.setString(6, pwd.getName());
309                s.setLong(7, d.getID());
310                s.executeUpdate();
311                s.clearParameters();
312                pwd.setID(oldNames.get(pwd.getName()));
313                oldNames.remove(pwd.getName());
314            } else {
315                insertPassword(c, d, pwd);
316            }
317        }
318        s.close();
319        s = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM passwords WHERE password_id = ?");
320        for (Long gone : oldNames.values()) {
321            // Check that we're not deleting something that's in use
322            // Since deletion is very rare, this is allowed to take
323            // some time.
324            String usages = DBUtils.getUsages(c, "SELECT configurations.name  FROM configurations, config_passwords"
325                    + " WHERE configurations.config_id = config_passwords.config_id "
326                    + "AND config_passwords.password_id = ?", gone, gone);
327            if (usages != null) {
328                String name = DBUtils.selectStringValue(c, "SELECT name FROM passwords WHERE password_id = ?", gone);
329                String message = "Cannot delete password " + name + " as it is used in " + usages;
330                log.debug(message);
331                throw new PermissionDenied(message);
332            }
333            s.setLong(1, gone);
334            s.executeUpdate();
335            s.clearParameters();
336        }
337    }
339    /**
340     * Update the list of seedlists for the given domain, keeping IDs where applicable.
341     *
342     * @param c A connection to the database
343     * @param d A domain to update.
344     * @throws SQLException If any database problems occur during the update process.
345     */
346    private void updateSeedlists(Connection c, Domain d) throws SQLException {
347        Map<String, Long> oldNames = DBUtils.selectStringLongMap(c, "SELECT name, seedlist_id FROM seedlists "
348                + "WHERE domain_id = ?", d.getID());
349        PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("UPDATE seedlists SET comments = ?, " + "seeds = ? "
350                + "WHERE name = ? AND domain_id = ?");
351        for (Iterator<SeedList> sls = d.getAllSeedLists(); sls.hasNext();) {
352            SeedList sl = sls.next();
353            if (oldNames.containsKey(sl.getName())) {
354                DBUtils.setComments(s, 1, sl, Constants.MAX_COMMENT_SIZE);
355                DBUtils.setClobMaxLength(s, 2, sl.getSeedsAsString(), Constants.MAX_SEED_LIST_SIZE, sl, "seedlist");
356                s.setString(3, sl.getName());
357                s.setLong(4, d.getID());
358                s.executeUpdate();
359                s.clearParameters();
360                sl.setID(oldNames.get(sl.getName()));
361                oldNames.remove(sl.getName());
362            } else {
363                insertSeedlist(c, d, sl);
364            }
365        }
366        s.close();
367        s = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM seedlists WHERE seedlist_id = ?");
368        for (Long gone : oldNames.values()) {
369            // Check that we're not deleting something that's in use
370            // Since deletion is very rare, this is allowed to take
371            // some time.
372            String usages = DBUtils.getUsages(c, "SELECT configurations.name FROM configurations, config_seedlists"
373                    + " WHERE configurations.config_id = config_seedlists.config_id "
374                    + "AND config_seedlists.seedlist_id = ?", gone, gone);
375            if (usages != null) {
376                String name = DBUtils.selectStringValue(c, "SELECT name FROM seedlists WHERE seedlist_id = ?", gone);
377                String message = "Cannot delete seedlist " + name + " as it is used in " + usages;
378                log.debug(message);
379                throw new PermissionDenied(message);
380            }
381            s.setLong(1, gone);
382            s.executeUpdate();
383            s.clearParameters();
384        }
385    }
387    /**
388     * Update the list of configurations for the given domain, keeping IDs where applicable. This also builds the xref
389     * tables for passwords and seedlists used in configurations, and so should be run after those are updated.
390     *
391     * @param connection A connection to the database
392     * @param d A domain to update.
393     * @throws SQLException If any database problems occur during the update process.
394     */
395    private void updateConfigurations(Connection connection, Domain d) throws SQLException {
396        Map<String, Long> oldNames = DBUtils.selectStringLongMap(connection,
397                "SELECT name, config_id FROM configurations WHERE domain_id = ?", d.getID());
398        PreparedStatement s = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE configurations SET comments = ?, "
399                + "template_id = ( SELECT template_id FROM ordertemplates " + "WHERE name = ? ), " + "maxobjects = ?, "
400                + "maxrate = ?, " + "maxbytes = ? " + "WHERE name = ? AND domain_id = ?");
401        for (Iterator<DomainConfiguration> dcs = d.getAllConfigurations(); dcs.hasNext();) {
402            DomainConfiguration dc = dcs.next();
404            if (oldNames.containsKey(dc.getName())) {
405                // Update
406                DBUtils.setComments(s, 1, dc, Constants.MAX_COMMENT_SIZE);
407                s.setString(2, dc.getOrderXmlName());
408                s.setLong(3, dc.getMaxObjects());
409                s.setInt(4, dc.getMaxRequestRate());
410                s.setLong(5, dc.getMaxBytes());
411                s.setString(6, dc.getName());
412                s.setLong(7, d.getID());
413                s.executeUpdate();
414                s.clearParameters();
415                dc.setID(oldNames.get(dc.getName()));
416                oldNames.remove(dc.getName());
417            } else {
418                insertConfiguration(connection, d, dc);
419            }
421            updateConfigPasswordsEntries(connection, d, dc);
422            updateConfigSeedlistsEntries(connection, d, dc);
423        }
424        s.close();
425        s = connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM configurations WHERE config_id = ?");
426        for (Long gone : oldNames.values()) {
427            // Before deleting, check if this is unused. Since deletion is
428            // rare, this is allowed to take some time to give good output
429            String usages = DBUtils.getUsages(connection, "SELECT harvestdefinitions.name"
430                    + "  FROM harvestdefinitions, harvest_configs WHERE harvestdefinitions.harvest_id = "
431                    + "harvest_configs.harvest_id AND harvest_configs.config_id = ?", gone, gone);
432            if (usages != null) {
433                String name = DBUtils.selectStringValue(connection, "SELECT name FROM configurations "
434                        + "WHERE config_id = ?", gone);
435                String message = "Cannot delete configuration " + name + " as it is used in " + usages;
436                log.debug(message);
437                throw new PermissionDenied(message);
438            }
439            s.setLong(1, gone);
440            s.executeUpdate();
441            s.clearParameters();
442        }
443    }
445    /**
446     * Update the list of owner info for the given domain, keeping IDs where applicable.
447     *
448     * @param c A connection to the database
449     * @param d A domain to update.
450     * @throws SQLException If any database problems occur during the update process.
451     */
452    private void updateOwnerInfo(Connection c, Domain d) throws SQLException {
453        List<Long> oldIDs = DBUtils.selectLongList(c, "SELECT ownerinfo_id FROM ownerinfo " + "WHERE domain_id = ?",
454                d.getID());
455        PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("UPDATE ownerinfo SET " + "created = ?, " + "info = ? "
456                + "WHERE ownerinfo_id = ?");
457        for (DomainOwnerInfo doi : d.getAllDomainOwnerInfo()) {
458            if (doi.hasID() && oldIDs.remove(doi.getID())) {
459                s.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(doi.getDate().getTime()));
460                DBUtils.setStringMaxLength(s, 2, doi.getInfo(), Constants.MAX_OWNERINFO_SIZE, doi, "owner info");
461                s.setLong(3, doi.getID());
462                s.executeUpdate();
463                s.clearParameters();
464            } else {
465                insertOwnerInfo(c, d, doi);
466            }
467        }
468        if (oldIDs.size() != 0) {
469            String message = "Not allowed to delete ownerinfo " + oldIDs + " on " + d;
470            log.debug(message);
471            throw new IOFailure(message);
472        }
473    }
475    /**
476     * Update the list of harvest info for the given domain, keeping IDs where applicable.
477     *
478     * @param c A connection to the database
479     * @param d A domain to update.
480     * @throws SQLException If any database problems occur during the update process.
481     */
482    private void updateHarvestInfo(Connection c, Domain d) throws SQLException {
483        List<Long> oldIDs = DBUtils.selectLongList(c, "SELECT historyinfo.historyinfo_id "
484                + "FROM historyinfo, configurations WHERE historyinfo.config_id = configurations.config_id"
485                + "  AND configurations.domain_id = ?", d.getID());
486        PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("UPDATE historyinfo SET " + "stopreason = ?, " + "objectcount = ?, "
487                + "bytecount = ?, " + "config_id = " + " (SELECT config_id FROM configurations, domains"
488                + "  WHERE domains.domain_id = ?" + "    AND configurations.name = ?"
489                + "    AND configurations.domain_id = domains.domain_id), " + "harvest_id = ?, " + "job_id = ? "
490                + "WHERE historyinfo_id = ?");
491        Iterator<HarvestInfo> his = d.getHistory().getHarvestInfo();
492        while (his.hasNext()) {
493            HarvestInfo hi = his.next();
494            if (hi.hasID() && oldIDs.remove(hi.getID())) {
495                s.setInt(1, hi.getStopReason().ordinal());
496                s.setLong(2, hi.getCountObjectRetrieved());
497                s.setLong(3, hi.getSizeDataRetrieved());
498                s.setLong(4, d.getID());
499                s.setString(5, d.getConfiguration(hi.getDomainConfigurationName()).getName());
500                s.setLong(6, hi.getHarvestID());
501                if (hi.getJobID() != null) {
502                    s.setLong(7, hi.getJobID());
503                } else {
504                    s.setNull(7, Types.BIGINT);
505                }
506                s.setLong(8, hi.getID());
507                s.executeUpdate();
508                s.clearParameters();
509            } else {
510                insertHarvestInfo(c, d, hi);
511            }
512        }
513        if (oldIDs.size() != 0) {
514            String message = "Not allowed to delete historyinfo " + oldIDs + " on " + d;
515            log.debug(message);
516            throw new IOFailure(message);
517        }
518    }
520    /**
521     * Insert new harvest info for a domain.
522     *
523     * @param c A connection to the database
524     * @param d A domain to insert on. The domains ID must be correct.
525     * @param harvestInfo Harvest info to insert.
526     */
527    private void insertHarvestInfo(Connection c, Domain d, HarvestInfo harvestInfo) {
528        PreparedStatement s = null;
529        try {
530            // Note that the config_id is grabbed from the configurations table.
531            s = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO historyinfo " + "( stopreason, objectcount, bytecount, config_id, "
532                    + "job_id, harvest_id, harvest_time ) " + "VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )",
533                    Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
534            s.setInt(1, harvestInfo.getStopReason().ordinal());
535            s.setLong(2, harvestInfo.getCountObjectRetrieved());
536            s.setLong(3, harvestInfo.getSizeDataRetrieved());
537            // TODO More stable way to get IDs, use a select
538            s.setLong(4, d.getConfiguration(harvestInfo.getDomainConfigurationName()).getID());
539            if (harvestInfo.getJobID() != null) {
540                s.setLong(5, harvestInfo.getJobID());
541            } else {
542                s.setNull(5, Types.BIGINT);
543            }
544            s.setLong(6, harvestInfo.getHarvestID());
545            s.setTimestamp(7, new Timestamp(harvestInfo.getDate().getTime()));
546            s.executeUpdate();
547            harvestInfo.setID(DBUtils.getGeneratedID(s));
548        } catch (SQLException e) {
549            throw new IOFailure("SQL error while inserting harvest info " + harvestInfo + " for " + d + "\n", e);
550        }
551    }
553    /**
554     * Insert new owner info for a domain.
555     *
556     * @param c A connection to the database
557     * @param d A domain to insert on. The domains ID must be correct.
558     * @param doi Owner info to insert.
559     * @throws SQLException If any database problems occur during the insertion process.
560     */
561    private void insertOwnerInfo(Connection c, Domain d, DomainOwnerInfo doi) throws SQLException {
562        PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO ownerinfo ( domain_id, created, info ) "
563                + "VALUES ( ?, ?, ?)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
564        s.setLong(1, d.getID());
565        s.setTimestamp(2, new Timestamp(doi.getDate().getTime()));
566        s.setString(3, doi.getInfo());
567        s.executeUpdate();
568        doi.setID(DBUtils.getGeneratedID(s));
569    }
571    /**
572     * Insert new seedlist for a domain.
573     *
574     * @param c A connection to the database
575     * @param d A domain to insert on. The domains ID must be correct.
576     * @param sl Seedlist to insert.
577     * @throws SQLException If some database error occurs during the insertion process.
578     */
579    private void insertSeedlist(Connection c, Domain d, SeedList sl) throws SQLException {
580        PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO seedlists ( name, comments, domain_id, seeds ) "
581                + "VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
582        // ID is autogenerated
583        DBUtils.setName(s, 1, sl, Constants.MAX_NAME_SIZE);
584        DBUtils.setComments(s, 2, sl, Constants.MAX_COMMENT_SIZE);
585        s.setLong(3, d.getID());
586        DBUtils.setClobMaxLength(s, 4, sl.getSeedsAsString(), Constants.MAX_SEED_LIST_SIZE, sl, "seedlist");
587        s.executeUpdate();
588        sl.setID(DBUtils.getGeneratedID(s));
589    }
591    /**
592     * Inserts a new password entry into the database.
593     *
594     * @param c A connection to the database
595     * @param d A domain to insert on. The domains ID must be correct.
596     * @param p A password entry to insert.
597     * @throws SQLException If some database error occurs during the insertion process.
598     */
599    private void insertPassword(Connection c, Domain d, Password p) throws SQLException {
600        PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO passwords "
601                + "( name, comments, domain_id, url, realm, username, " + "password ) "
602                + "VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
603        // ID is autogenerated
604        DBUtils.setName(s, 1, p, Constants.MAX_NAME_SIZE);
605        DBUtils.setComments(s, 2, p, Constants.MAX_COMMENT_SIZE);
606        s.setLong(3, d.getID());
607        DBUtils.setStringMaxLength(s, 4, p.getPasswordDomain(), Constants.MAX_URL_SIZE, p, "password url");
608        DBUtils.setStringMaxLength(s, 5, p.getRealm(), Constants.MAX_REALM_NAME_SIZE, p, "password realm");
609        DBUtils.setStringMaxLength(s, 6, p.getUsername(), Constants.MAX_USER_NAME_SIZE, p, "password username");
610        DBUtils.setStringMaxLength(s, 7, p.getPassword(), Constants.MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE, p, "password");
611        s.executeUpdate();
612        p.setID(DBUtils.getGeneratedID(s));
613    }
615    /**
616     * Insert the basic configuration info into the DB. This does not establish the connections with seedlists and
617     * passwords, use {create,update}Config{Passwords,Seedlists}Entries for that.
618     *
619     * @param connection A connection to the database
620     * @param d a domain
621     * @param dc a domainconfiguration
622     * @throws SQLException If some database error occurs during the insertion process.
623     */
624    private void insertConfiguration(Connection connection, Domain d, DomainConfiguration dc) throws SQLException {
625        long templateId = DBUtils.selectLongValue(connection, "SELECT template_id FROM ordertemplates WHERE name = ?",
626                dc.getOrderXmlName());
627        PreparedStatement s = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO configurations "
628                + "( name, comments, domain_id, template_id, maxobjects, " + "maxrate, maxbytes ) "
629                + "VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
630        // Id is autogenerated
631        DBUtils.setName(s, 1, dc, Constants.MAX_NAME_SIZE);
632        DBUtils.setComments(s, 2, dc, Constants.MAX_COMMENT_SIZE);
633        s.setLong(3, d.getID());
634        s.setLong(4, templateId);
635        s.setLong(5, dc.getMaxObjects());
636        s.setInt(6, dc.getMaxRequestRate());
637        s.setLong(7, dc.getMaxBytes());
638        int rows = s.executeUpdate();
639        if (rows != 1) {
640            String message = "Error inserting configuration " + dc;
641            log.warn(message);
642            throw new IOFailure(message);
643        }
644        dc.setID(DBUtils.getGeneratedID(s));
645    }
647    /**
648     * Delete all entries in the given crossref table that belong to the configuration.
649     *
650     * @param c A connection to the database
651     * @param configId The domain configuration to remove entries for.
652     * @param table One of "config_passwords" or "config_seedlists"
653     * @throws SQLException If any database problems occur during the delete process.
654     */
655    private void deleteConfigFromTable(Connection c, long configId, String table) throws SQLException {
656        PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE " + table + ".config_id = ?");
657        s.setLong(1, configId);
658        s.executeUpdate();
659    }
661    /**
662     * Delete all entries from the config_passwords table that refer to the given configuration and insert the current
663     * ones.
664     *
665     * @param c A connection to the database
666     * @param d A domain to operate on
667     * @param dc Configuration to update.
668     * @throws SQLException If any database problems occur during the update process.
669     */
670    private void updateConfigPasswordsEntries(Connection c, Domain d, DomainConfiguration dc) throws SQLException {
671        deleteConfigFromTable(c, dc.getID(), "config_passwords");
672        createConfigPasswordsEntries(c, d, dc);
673    }
675    /**
676     * Create the xref table for passwords used by configurations.
677     *
678     * @param c A connection to the database
679     * @param d A domain to operate on.
680     * @param dc A configuration to create xref table for.
681     * @throws SQLException If any database problems occur during the insertion of password entries for the given domain
682     * configuration
683     */
684    private void createConfigPasswordsEntries(Connection c, Domain d, DomainConfiguration dc) throws SQLException {
685        PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO config_passwords " + "( config_id, password_id ) "
686                + "SELECT config_id, password_id " + "  FROM configurations, passwords"
687                + " WHERE configurations.domain_id = ?" + "   AND configurations.name = ?"
688                + "   AND passwords.name = ?" + "   AND passwords.domain_id = configurations.domain_id");
689        for (Iterator<Password> passwords = dc.getPasswords(); passwords.hasNext();) {
690            Password p = passwords.next();
691            s.setLong(1, d.getID());
692            s.setString(2, dc.getName());
693            s.setString(3, p.getName());
694            s.executeUpdate();
695            s.clearParameters();
696        }
697    }
699    /**
700     * Delete all entries from the config_seedlists table that refer to the given configuration and insert the current
701     * ones.
702     *
703     * @param c An open connection to the harvestDatabase.
704     * @param d A domain to operate on
705     * @param dc Configuration to update.
706     * @throws SQLException If any database problems occur during the update process.
707     */
708    private void updateConfigSeedlistsEntries(Connection c, Domain d, DomainConfiguration dc) throws SQLException {
709        deleteConfigFromTable(c, dc.getID(), "config_seedlists");
710        createConfigSeedlistsEntries(c, d, dc);
711    }
713    /**
714     * Create the xref table for seedlists used by configurations.
715     *
716     * @param c A connection to the database
717     * @param d A domain to operate on.
718     * @param dc A configuration to create xref table for.
719     * @throws SQLException If any database problems occur during the insertion of seedlist entries for the given domain
720     * configuration
721     */
722    private void createConfigSeedlistsEntries(Connection c, Domain d, DomainConfiguration dc) throws SQLException {
723        PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO config_seedlists " + " ( config_id, seedlist_id ) "
724                + "SELECT configurations.config_id, seedlists.seedlist_id" + "  FROM configurations, seedlists"
725                + " WHERE configurations.name = ?" + "   AND seedlists.name = ?"
726                + "   AND configurations.domain_id = ?" + "   AND seedlists.domain_id = ?");
727        for (Iterator<SeedList> seedlists = dc.getSeedLists(); seedlists.hasNext();) {
728            SeedList sl = seedlists.next();
729            s.setString(1, dc.getName());
730            s.setString(2, sl.getName());
731            s.setLong(3, d.getID());
732            s.setLong(4, d.getID());
733            s.executeUpdate();
734            s.clearParameters();
735        }
736    }
738    @Override
739    protected synchronized Domain read(Connection c, String domainName) {
740        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(domainName, "domainName");
741        ArgumentNotValid.checkTrue(DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(domainName), "Invalid domain name " + domainName);
742        if (!exists(c, domainName)) {
743            throw new UnknownID("No domain by the name '" + domainName + "'");
744        }
745        return readKnown(c, domainName);
746    }
748    @Override
749    protected synchronized Domain readKnown(Connection c, String domainName) {
750        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(domainName, "domainName");
751        ArgumentNotValid.checkTrue(DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(domainName), "Invalid domain name " + domainName);
752        Domain result;
753        PreparedStatement s = null;
754        try {
755            s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT domains.domain_id, " + "domains.comments, " + "domains.crawlertraps, "
756                    + "domains.edition, " + "configurations.name, " + " (SELECT name FROM domains as aliasdomains"
757                    + "  WHERE aliasdomains.domain_id = domains.alias), " + "domains.lastaliasupdate "
758                    + "FROM domains, configurations " + "WHERE domains.name = ?"
759                    + "  AND domains.defaultconfig = configurations.config_id");
760            s.setString(1, domainName);
761            ResultSet res = s.executeQuery();
762            if (!res.next()) {
763                final String message = "Error reading existing domain '" + domainName
764                        + "' due to database inconsistency. "
765                        + "Note that this should never happen. Please ask your database admin to check "
766                        + "your 'domains' and 'configurations' tables for any inconsistencies.";
767                log.warn(message);
768                throw new IOFailure(message);
769            }
770            int domainId = res.getInt(1);
771            String comments = res.getString(2);
772            String crawlertraps = res.getString(3);
773            long edition = res.getLong(4);
774            String defaultconfig = res.getString(5);
775            String alias = res.getString(6);
776            Date lastAliasUpdate = DBUtils.getDateMaybeNull(res, 7);
777            s.close();
778            Domain d = new Domain(domainName);
779            d.setComments(comments);
780            // don't throw exception if illegal regexps are found.
781            boolean strictMode = false; 
782            String[] traps = crawlertraps.split("\n");
783            List<String> insertList = new ArrayList<String>();
784            for (String trap: traps) {
785                if (!trap.isEmpty()) { // Ignore empty traps (NAS-2480)
786                    insertList.add(trap);
787                }
788            }
789            log.trace("Found {} crawlertraps for domain '{}' in database", insertList.size(), domainName);
790            d.setCrawlerTraps(insertList, strictMode);
791            d.setID(domainId);
792            d.setEdition(edition);
793            if (alias != null) {
794                d.setAliasInfo(new AliasInfo(domainName, alias, lastAliasUpdate));
795            }
797            readSeedlists(c, d);
798            readPasswords(c, d);
799            readConfigurations(c, d);
800            // Now that configs are in, we can set the default
801            d.setDefaultConfiguration(defaultconfig);
802            readOwnerInfo(c, d);
803            readHistoryInfo(c, d);
805            result = d;
806        } catch (SQLException e) {
807            throw new IOFailure("SQL Error while reading domain " + domainName + "\n", e);
808        }
810        return result;
811    }
813    /**
814     * Read the configurations for the domain. This should not be called until after passwords and seedlists are read.
815     *
816     * @param c A connection to the database
817     * @param d The domain being read. Its ID must be set.
818     * @throws SQLException If database errors occur.
819     */
820    private void readConfigurations(Connection c, Domain d) throws SQLException {
821        // Read the configurations now that passwords and seedlists exist
822        PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT " + "config_id, " + "configurations.name, " + "comments, "
823                + "ordertemplates.name, " + "maxobjects, " + "maxrate, " + "maxbytes"
824                + " FROM configurations, ordertemplates " + "WHERE domain_id = ?"
825                + "  AND configurations.template_id = " + "ordertemplates.template_id");
826        s.setLong(1, d.getID());
827        ResultSet res = s.executeQuery();
828        while (res.next()) {
829            long domainconfigId = res.getLong(1);
830            String domainconfigName = res.getString(2);
831            String domainConfigComments = res.getString(3);
832            String order = res.getString(4);
833            long maxobjects = res.getLong(5);
834            int maxrate = res.getInt(6);
835            long maxbytes = res.getLong(7);
836            PreparedStatement s1 = c.prepareStatement("SELECT seedlists.name " + "FROM seedlists, config_seedlists "
837                    + "WHERE config_seedlists.config_id = ? " + "AND config_seedlists.seedlist_id = "
838                    + "seedlists.seedlist_id");
839            s1.setLong(1, domainconfigId);
840            ResultSet seedlistResultset = s1.executeQuery();
841            List<SeedList> seedlists = new ArrayList<SeedList>();
842            while (seedlistResultset.next()) {
843                seedlists.add(d.getSeedList(seedlistResultset.getString(1)));
844            }
845            s1.close();
846            if (seedlists.isEmpty()) {
847                String message = "Configuration " + domainconfigName + " of " + d + " has no seedlists";
848                log.warn(message);
849                throw new IOFailure(message);
850            }
852            s1 = c.prepareStatement("SELECT passwords.name FROM passwords, config_passwords "
853                    + "WHERE config_passwords.config_id = ? AND config_passwords.password_id = passwords.password_id");
854            s1.setLong(1, domainconfigId);
855            ResultSet passwordResultset = s1.executeQuery();
856            List<Password> passwords = new ArrayList<Password>();
857            while (passwordResultset.next()) {
858                passwords.add(d.getPassword(passwordResultset.getString(1)));
859            }
860            DomainConfiguration dc = new DomainConfiguration(domainconfigName, d, seedlists, passwords);
861            dc.setOrderXmlName(order);
862            dc.setMaxObjects(maxobjects);
863            dc.setMaxRequestRate(maxrate);
864            dc.setComments(domainConfigComments);
865            dc.setMaxBytes(maxbytes);
866            dc.setID(domainconfigId);
867            d.addConfiguration(dc);
868            s1.close();
870            // EAV
871            List<AttributeAndType> attributesAndTypes = EAV.getInstance().getAttributesAndTypes(EAV.DOMAIN_TREE_ID, (int)domainconfigId);
872            dc.setAttributesAndTypes(attributesAndTypes);
873        }
874        if (!d.getAllConfigurations().hasNext()) {
875            String message = "Loaded domain " + d + " with no configurations";
876            log.warn(message);
877            throw new IOFailure(message);
878        }
879    }
881    @Override
882    public List<Long> findUsedConfigurations(Long domainID) {
883        Connection connection = HarvestDBConnection.get();
884        try {
885            List<Long> usedConfigurations = new LinkedList<Long>();
887            PreparedStatement readUsedConfigurations = connection
888                    .prepareStatement(" SELECT configurations.config_id, configurations.name" + " FROM configurations "
889                            + " JOIN harvest_configs USING (config_id) "
890                            + " JOIN harvestdefinitions USING (harvest_id) " + " WHERE configurations.domain_id = ? "
891                            + "AND harvestdefinitions.isactive = ?");
892            readUsedConfigurations.setLong(1, domainID);
893            readUsedConfigurations.setBoolean(2, true);
894            ResultSet res = readUsedConfigurations.executeQuery();
895            while (res.next()) {
896                usedConfigurations.add(res.getLong(1));
897            }
898            readUsedConfigurations.close();
900            return usedConfigurations;
901        } catch (SQLException e) {
902            throw new IOFailure("SQL Error while reading configuration + seeds lists", e);
903        } finally {
904            HarvestDBConnection.release(connection);
905        }
906    }
908    /**
909     * Read owner info entries for the domain.
910     *
911     * @param c A connection to the database
912     * @param d The domain being read. Its ID must be set.
913     * @throws SQLException If database errors occur.
914     */
915    private void readOwnerInfo(Connection c, Domain d) throws SQLException {
916        // Read owner info
917        PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT ownerinfo_id, created, info"
918                + " FROM ownerinfo WHERE domain_id = ?");
919        s.setLong(1, d.getID());
920        ResultSet res = s.executeQuery();
921        while (res.next()) {
922            final DomainOwnerInfo ownerinfo = new DomainOwnerInfo(new Date(res.getTimestamp(2).getTime()),
923                    res.getString(3));
924            ownerinfo.setID(res.getLong(1));
925            d.addOwnerInfo(ownerinfo);
926        }
927    }
929    /**
930     * Read history info entries for the domain.
931     *
932     * @param c A connection to the database
933     * @param d The domain being read. Its ID must be set.
934     * @throws SQLException If database errors occur.
935     */
936    private void readHistoryInfo(Connection c, Domain d) throws SQLException {
937        // Read history info
938        PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT historyinfo_id, stopreason, " + "objectcount, bytecount, "
939                + "name, job_id, harvest_id, harvest_time " + "FROM historyinfo, configurations "
940                + "WHERE configurations.domain_id = ?" + "  AND historyinfo.config_id = configurations.config_id");
941        s.setLong(1, d.getID());
942        ResultSet res = s.executeQuery();
943        while (res.next()) {
944            long hiID = res.getLong(1);
945            int stopreasonNum = res.getInt(2);
946            StopReason stopreason = StopReason.getStopReason(stopreasonNum);
947            long objectCount = res.getLong(3);
948            long byteCount = res.getLong(4);
949            String configName = res.getString(5);
950            Long jobId = res.getLong(6);
951            if (res.wasNull()) {
952                jobId = null;
953            }
954            long harvestId = res.getLong(7);
955            Date harvestTime = new Date(res.getTimestamp(8).getTime());
956            HarvestInfo hi;
957            // XML DAOs didn't keep the job id in harvestinfo, so some
958            // entries will be null.
959            hi = new HarvestInfo(harvestId, jobId, d.getName(), configName, harvestTime, byteCount, objectCount,
960                    stopreason);
961            hi.setID(hiID);
962            d.getHistory().addHarvestInfo(hi);
963        }
964    }
966    /**
967     * Read passwords for the domain.
968     *
969     * @param c A connection to the database
970     * @param d The domain being read. Its ID must be set.
971     * @throws SQLException If database errors occur.
972     */
973    private void readPasswords(Connection c, Domain d) throws SQLException {
974        PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT password_id, name, comments, url, "
975                + "realm, username, password " + "FROM passwords WHERE domain_id = ?");
976        s.setLong(1, d.getID());
977        ResultSet res = s.executeQuery();
978        while (res.next()) {
979            final Password pwd = new Password(res.getString(2), res.getString(3), res.getString(4), res.getString(5),
980                    res.getString(6), res.getString(7));
981            pwd.setID(res.getLong(1));
982            d.addPassword(pwd);
983        }
984    }
986    /**
987     * Read seedlists for the domain.
988     *
989     * @param c A connection to the database
990     * @param d The domain being read. Its ID must be set.
991     * @throws SQLException If database errors occur.
992     */
993    private void readSeedlists(Connection c, Domain d) throws SQLException {
994        PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT seedlist_id, name, comments, seeds"
995                + " FROM seedlists WHERE domain_id = ?");
996        s.setLong(1, d.getID());
997        ResultSet res = s.executeQuery();
998        while (res.next()) {
999            final SeedList seedlist = getSeedListFromResultset(res);
1000            d.addSeedList(seedlist);
1001        }
1002        s.close();
1003        if (!d.getAllSeedLists().hasNext()) {
1004            final String msg = "Domain " + d + " loaded with no seedlists";
1005            log.warn(msg);
1006            throw new IOFailure(msg);
1007        }
1008    }
1010    /**
1011     * Make SeedList based on entry from seedlists (id, name, comments, seeds).
1012     *
1013     * @param res a Resultset
1014     * @return a SeedList based on ResultSet entry.
1015     * @throws SQLException if unable to get data from database
1016     */
1017    private SeedList getSeedListFromResultset(ResultSet res) throws SQLException {
1018        final long seedlistId = res.getLong(1);
1019        final String seedlistName = res.getString(2);
1020        String seedlistComments = res.getString(3);
1022        String seedlistContents = "";
1023        if (DBSpecifics.getInstance().supportsClob()) {
1024            Clob clob = res.getClob(4);
1025            seedlistContents = clob.getSubString(1, (int) clob.length());
1026        } else {
1027            seedlistContents = res.getString(4);
1028        }
1029        final SeedList seedlist = new SeedList(seedlistName, seedlistContents);
1030        seedlist.setComments(seedlistComments);
1031        seedlist.setID(seedlistId);
1032        return seedlist;
1033    }
1035    @Override
1036    public synchronized boolean exists(String domainName) {
1037        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(domainName, "domainName");
1038        if (!DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(domainName)) {
1039            return false;
1040        }
1041        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1042        try {
1043            return exists(c, domainName);
1044        } finally {
1045            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1046        }
1047    }
1049    /**
1050     * Return true if a domain with the given name exists.
1051     *
1052     * @param c an open connection to the harvestDatabase
1053     * @param domainName a name of a domain
1054     * @return true if a domain with the given name exists, otherwise false.
1055     */
1056    private synchronized boolean exists(Connection c, String domainName) {
1057        if (!DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(domainName)) {
1058            return false;
1059        }
1060        return 1 == DBUtils.selectIntValue(c, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM domains WHERE name = ?", domainName);
1061    }
1063    @Override
1064    public synchronized int getCountDomains() {
1065        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1066        try {
1067            return DBUtils.selectIntValue(c, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM domains");
1068        } finally {
1069            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1070        }
1071    }
1073    @Override
1074    public synchronized Iterator<Domain> getAllDomains() {
1075        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1076        try {
1077            List<String> domainNames = DBUtils.selectStringList(c, "SELECT name FROM domains ORDER BY name");
1078            List<Domain> orderedDomains = new LinkedList<Domain>();
1079            for (String name : domainNames) {
1080                if (DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(name)) {
1081                    orderedDomains.add(read(c, name));
1082                }
1083            }
1084            return orderedDomains.iterator();
1085        } finally {
1086            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1087        }
1088    }
1090    @Override
1091    public Iterator<Domain> getAllDomainsInSnapshotHarvestOrder() {
1092        return getDomainsInSnapshotHarvestOrder(null);
1093    }
1095    @Override
1096    public Iterator<Domain> getDomainsInSnapshotHarvestOrder(Long hid) {
1097        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1098        List<String> domainNames = null;
1099        List<String> domainNamesWithAttributes = null;
1100        try {
1101            if (hid==null) {
1102                log.info("Starting a select of all domains used for Snapshot harvesting");
1103                // Note: maxbytes are ordered with largest first for symmetry
1104                // with HarvestDefinition.CompareConfigDesc
1105                domainNames = DBUtils.selectStringList(c, "SELECT domains.name"
1106                        + " FROM domains, configurations, ordertemplates"
1107                        + " WHERE domains.defaultconfig=configurations.config_id" + " AND configurations.template_id"
1108                        + "=ordertemplates.template_id" + " ORDER BY" + " ordertemplates.name,"
1109                        + " configurations.maxbytes DESC," + " domains.name");
1110                log.info("Retrieved all {} domains used for Snapshot harvesting without searching for attributes for their default configs", domainNames.size());
1111                domainNamesWithAttributes = DBUtils.selectStringList(c, // Don't order this - it will be ordered later
1112                        "SELECT DISTINCT domains.name"
1113                        + " FROM domains, configurations, eav_attribute"
1114                        + " WHERE domains.defaultconfig=configurations.config_id"
1115                        + " AND configurations.config_id=eav_attribute.entity_id");
1116                log.info("Retrieved all {} domains used for Snapshot harvesting that has attributes for their default configs", domainNamesWithAttributes.size());
1117                domainNames = domainNames.stream().filter(DomainUtils::isValidDomainName).collect(Collectors.toList());
1118                //  Remove the content of domainNamesWithAttributes from domainNames
1119                domainNames.removeAll(domainNamesWithAttributes);
1120                log.info("Removed all {} domains with attributes from the total list, reducing total-list to {}", domainNamesWithAttributes.size(), domainNames.size());
1121                // Add the remainder of domainNames to domainNamesWithAttributes, so the domain configs with attributes will be handled first.
1122                domainNamesWithAttributes.addAll(domainNames);
1123                log.info("Remainder of total list merged with list of domains w/ attributes is size {}", domainNamesWithAttributes.size()); 
1124            } else {
1125                log.info("Starting a select of all domains harvested in previous snapshot harvest #{}", hid);
1126                domainNames = DBUtils.selectStringList(c, "SELECT DISTINCT domains.name"
1127                        + " FROM domains, configurations, ordertemplates, historyinfo"
1128                        + " WHERE domains.defaultconfig=configurations.config_id" + " AND configurations.template_id"
1129                        + "=ordertemplates.template_id" 
1130                        + " AND configurations.config_id=historyinfo.config_id "
1131                        + " AND historyinfo.harvest_id=" + hid);
1132                        // NOTE: the ordering has now been skipped to prevent duplicates
1133                        //  + " ORDER BY" + " ordertemplates.name," 
1134                        //  + " configurations.maxbytes DESC");
1135                        // "," + " domains.name");
1136                log.info("Retrieved all {} domains harvested in previous snapshot harvest #{}", domainNames.size(), hid);
1137                domainNamesWithAttributes = DBUtils.selectStringList(c, // Don't order this - it will be ordered later
1138                        "SELECT DISTINCT domains.name"
1139                        + " FROM domains, configurations, eav_attribute, historyinfo"
1140                        + " WHERE domains.defaultconfig=configurations.config_id"
1141                        + " AND configurations.config_id=eav_attribute.entity_id"
1142                        + " AND historyinfo.config_id=configurations.config_id"
1143                        + " AND historyinfo.harvest_id=" + hid
1144                        );
1145                log.info("Retrieved all {} domains harvested in previous snapshot harvest that has attributes for their default configs", domainNamesWithAttributes.size());
1146                domainNames = domainNames.stream().filter(DomainUtils::isValidDomainName).collect(Collectors.toList());
1147                //  Remove the content of domainNamesWithAttributes from domainNames
1148                domainNames.removeAll(domainNamesWithAttributes);
1149                log.info("Removed all {} domains with attributes from the total list, reducing total-list to {}", domainNamesWithAttributes.size(), domainNames.size());
1150                // Add the remainder of domainNames to domainNamesWithAttributes, so the domain configs with attributes will be handled first.
1151                domainNamesWithAttributes.addAll(domainNames);
1152                log.info("Remainder of total list merged with list of domains w/ attributes is size {}", domainNamesWithAttributes.size());   
1153            }
1155            return new FilterIterator<String, Domain>(domainNamesWithAttributes.iterator()) {
1156                public Domain filter(String s) {
1157                    return readKnown(s);
1158                }
1159            };
1160        } finally {
1161            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1162        }   
1163    }
1165    @Override
1166    public List<String> getDomains(String glob) {
1167        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(glob, "glob");
1168        // SQL uses % and _ instead of * and ?
1169        String sqlGlob = DBUtils.makeSQLGlob(glob);
1170        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1171        try {
1172            List<String> names = DBUtils.selectStringList(c, "SELECT name FROM domains WHERE name LIKE ? ORDER BY name", sqlGlob);
1173            return names.stream().filter(DomainUtils::isValidDomainName).collect(Collectors.toList());
1174        } finally {
1175            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1176        }
1177    }
1179    @Override
1180    public boolean mayDelete(DomainConfiguration config) {
1181        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(config, "config");
1182        String defaultConfigName = this.getDefaultDomainConfigurationName(config.getDomainName());
1183        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1184        try {
1185            // Never delete default config and don't delete configs being used.
1186            return !config.getName().equals(defaultConfigName)
1187                    && !DBUtils.selectAny(c, "SELECT config_id" + " FROM harvest_configs WHERE config_id = ?",
1188                            config.getID());
1189        } finally {
1190            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1191        }
1192    }
1194    @Override
1195    public String getDefaultDomainConfigurationName(String domainName) {
1196        ArgumentNotValid.checkTrue(DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(domainName), "Cannot read invalid domain name " + domainName);
1197        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1198        try {
1199            return DBUtils.selectStringValue(c, "SELECT configurations.name " + "FROM domains, configurations "
1200                    + "WHERE domains.defaultconfig = configurations.config_id" + " AND domains.name = ?", domainName);
1201        } finally {
1202            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1203        }
1204    }
1206    @Override
1207    public synchronized SparseDomain readSparse(String domainName) {
1208        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(domainName, "domainName");
1209        ArgumentNotValid.checkTrue(DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(domainName), "Cannot read invalid domain name " + domainName);
1210        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1211        try {
1212            List<String> domainConfigurationNames = DBUtils.selectStringList(c, "SELECT configurations.name "
1213                    + " FROM configurations, domains " + "WHERE domains.domain_id = configurations.domain_id "
1214                    + " AND domains.name = ?", domainName);
1215            if (domainConfigurationNames.size() == 0) {
1216                throw new UnknownID("No domain exists with name '" + domainName + "'");
1217            }
1218            return new SparseDomain(domainName, domainConfigurationNames);
1219        } finally {
1220            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1221        }
1222    }
1224    @Override
1225    public List<AliasInfo> getAliases(String domain) {
1226        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(domain, "String domain");
1227        ArgumentNotValid.checkTrue(DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(domain), "Cannot read invalid domain name " + domain);
1228        List<AliasInfo> resultSet = new ArrayList<AliasInfo>();
1229        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1230        PreparedStatement s = null;
1231        // return all <domain, alias, lastaliasupdate> tuples
1232        // where alias = domain
1233        if (!exists(c, domain)) {
1234            log.debug("domain named '{}' does not exist. Returning empty result set", domain);
1235            return resultSet;
1236        }
1237        try {
1238            s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT domains.name, " + "domains.lastaliasupdate "
1239                    + " FROM domains, domains as fatherDomains " + " WHERE domains.alias = fatherDomains.domain_id AND"
1240                    + "       fatherDomains.name = ?" + " ORDER BY domains.name");
1241            s.setString(1, domain);
1242            ResultSet res = s.executeQuery();
1243            while (res.next()) {
1244                AliasInfo ai = new AliasInfo(res.getString(1), domain, DBUtils.getDateMaybeNull(res, 2));
1245                resultSet.add(ai);
1246            }
1248            return resultSet;
1249        } catch (SQLException e) {
1250            throw new IOFailure("Failure getting alias-information" + "\n", e);
1251        } finally {
1252            DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s);
1253            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1254        }
1255    }
1257    @Override
1258    public List<AliasInfo> getAllAliases() {
1259        List<AliasInfo> resultSet = new ArrayList<AliasInfo>();
1260        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1261        PreparedStatement s = null;
1262        // return all <domain, alias, lastaliasupdate> tuples
1263        // where alias is not-null
1264        try {
1265            s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT domains.name, " + "(SELECT name FROM domains as aliasdomains"
1266                    + " WHERE aliasdomains.domain_id " + "= domains.alias), " + " domains.lastaliasupdate "
1267                    + " FROM domains " + " WHERE domains.alias IS NOT NULL" + " ORDER BY " + " lastaliasupdate ASC");
1268            ResultSet res = s.executeQuery();
1269            while (res.next()) {
1270                String domainName = res.getString(1);
1271                String aliasOf = res.getString(2);
1272                Date lastchanged = DBUtils.getDateMaybeNull(res, 3);
1273                AliasInfo ai = new AliasInfo(domainName, aliasOf, lastchanged);
1274                if (DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(domainName) && DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(aliasOf)) {
1275                    resultSet.add(ai);
1276                }
1277            }
1278            return resultSet;
1279        } catch (SQLException e) {
1280            throw new IOFailure("Failure getting alias-information" + "\n", e);
1281        } finally {
1282            DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s);
1283            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1284        }
1285    }
1287    /**
1288     * Return all TLDs represented by the domains in the domains table. it was asked that a level X TLD belong appear in
1289     * TLD list where the level is <=X for example bidule.bnf.fr belong to .bnf.fr and to .fr it appear in the level 1
1290     * list of TLD and in the level 2 list
1291     *
1292     * @param level maximum level of TLD
1293     * @return a list of TLDs
1294     * @see DomainDAO#getTLDs(int)
1295     */
1296    @Override
1297    public List<TLDInfo> getTLDs(int level) {
1298        Map<String, TLDInfo> resultMap = new HashMap<String, TLDInfo>();
1299        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1300        PreparedStatement s = null;
1301        try {
1302            s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT name FROM domains");
1303            ResultSet res = s.executeQuery();
1304            while (res.next()) {
1305                String domain = res.getString(1);
1306                if (DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(domain)) {
1307                    // getting the TLD level of the domain
1308                    int domainTLDLevel = TLDInfo.getTLDLevel(domain);
1310                    // restraining to max level
1311                    if (domainTLDLevel > level) {
1312                        domainTLDLevel = level;
1313                    }
1315                    // looping from level 1 to level max of the domain
1316                    for (int currentLevel = 1; currentLevel <= domainTLDLevel; currentLevel++) {
1317                        // getting the tld of the domain by level
1318                        String tld = TLDInfo.getMultiLevelTLD(domain, currentLevel);
1319                        TLDInfo i = resultMap.get(tld);
1320                        if (i == null) {
1321                            i = new TLDInfo(tld);
1322                            resultMap.put(tld, i);
1323                        }
1324                        i.addSubdomain(domain);
1325                    }
1326                }
1327            }
1329            List<TLDInfo> resultSet = new ArrayList<TLDInfo>(resultMap.values());
1330            Collections.sort(resultSet);
1331            return resultSet;
1333        } catch (SQLException e) {
1334            throw new IOFailure("Failure getting TLD-information" + "\n", e);
1335        } finally {
1336            DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s);
1337            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1338        }
1339    }
1341    @Override
1342    public HarvestInfo getDomainJobInfo(Job j, String domainName, String configName) {
1343        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(j, "j");
1344        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(domainName, "domainName");
1345        ArgumentNotValid.checkTrue(DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(domainName), "Cannot read invalid domain name " + domainName);
1346        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(configName, "configName");
1347        HarvestInfo resultInfo = null;
1349        Connection connection = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1350        PreparedStatement s = null;
1351        try {
1352            // Get domain_id for domainName
1353            long domainId = DBUtils.selectLongValue(connection, "SELECT domain_id FROM domains WHERE name=?",
1354                    domainName);
1356            s = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT stopreason, " + "objectcount, bytecount, "
1357                    + "harvest_time FROM historyinfo WHERE " + "job_id = ? AND " + "config_id = ? AND "
1358                    + "harvest_id = ?");
1359            s.setLong(1, j.getJobID());
1360            s.setLong(2, DBUtils.selectLongValue(connection, "SELECT config_id FROM configurations "
1361                    + "WHERE name = ? AND domain_id=?", configName, domainId));
1362            s.setLong(3, j.getOrigHarvestDefinitionID());
1363            ResultSet res = s.executeQuery();
1364            // If no result, the job may not have been run yet
1365            // return null HarvestInfo
1366            if (res.next()) {
1367                StopReason reason = StopReason.getStopReason(res.getInt(1));
1368                long objectCount = res.getLong(2);
1369                long byteCount = res.getLong(3);
1370                Date harvestTime = res.getDate(4);
1371                resultInfo = new HarvestInfo(j.getOrigHarvestDefinitionID(), j.getJobID(), domainName, configName,
1372                        harvestTime, byteCount, objectCount, reason);
1373            }
1375            return resultInfo;
1377        } catch (SQLException e) {
1378            throw new IOFailure("Failure getting DomainJobInfo" + "\n", e);
1379        } finally {
1380            DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s);
1381            HarvestDBConnection.release(connection);
1382        }
1383    }
1385    @Override
1386    public List<DomainHarvestInfo> listDomainHarvestInfo(String domainName, String orderBy, boolean asc) {
1387        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(domainName, "domainName");
1388        ArgumentNotValid.checkTrue(DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(domainName), "Cannot read invalid domain name " + domainName);
1389        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1390        PreparedStatement s = null;
1391        final ArrayList<DomainHarvestInfo> domainHarvestInfos = new ArrayList<DomainHarvestInfo>();
1392        final String ascOrDesc = asc ? "ASC" : "DESC";
1393        log.debug("Using ascOrDesc=" + ascOrDesc + " after receiving " + asc);
1394        try {
1395            // For historical reasons, not all historyinfo objects have the
1396            // information required to find the job that made them. Therefore,
1397            // we must left outer join them onto the jobs list to get the
1398            // start date and end date for those where they can be found.
1399            s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT jobs.job_id, hdname, hdid," + " harvest_num," + " configname, startdate,"
1400                    + " enddate, objectcount, bytecount, stopreason" + " FROM ( "
1401                    + "  SELECT harvestdefinitions.name AS hdname," + "         harvestdefinitions.harvest_id AS hdid,"
1402                    + "         configurations.name AS configname,"
1403                    + "         objectcount, bytecount, job_id, stopreason"
1404                    + "    FROM domains, configurations, historyinfo, " + "         harvestdefinitions"
1405                    + "   WHERE domains.name = ? " + "     AND domains.domain_id = configurations.domain_id"
1406                    + "     AND historyinfo.config_id = " + "configurations.config_id"
1407                    + "     AND historyinfo.harvest_id = " + "harvestdefinitions.harvest_id" + "  ) AS hist"
1408                    + " LEFT OUTER JOIN jobs" + "   ON hist.job_id = jobs.job_id ORDER BY " + orderBy + " " + ascOrDesc);
1409            s.setString(1, domainName);
1410            ResultSet res = s.executeQuery();
1411            while (res.next()) {
1412                final int jobID = res.getInt(1);
1413                final String harvestName = res.getString(2);
1414                final int harvestID = res.getInt(3);
1415                final int harvestNum = res.getInt(4);
1416                final String configName = res.getString(5);
1417                final Date startDate = DBUtils.getDateMaybeNull(res, 6);
1418                final Date endDate = DBUtils.getDateMaybeNull(res, 7);
1419                final long objectCount = res.getLong(8);
1420                final long byteCount = res.getLong(9);
1421                final StopReason reason = StopReason.getStopReason(res.getInt(10));
1422                domainHarvestInfos.add(new DomainHarvestInfo(domainName, jobID, harvestName, harvestID, harvestNum,
1423                        configName, startDate, endDate, byteCount, objectCount, reason));
1424            }
1425            return domainHarvestInfos;
1426        } catch (SQLException e) {
1427            String message = "SQL error getting domain harvest info for " + domainName + "\n";
1428            log.warn(message, e);
1429            throw new IOFailure(message, e);
1430        } finally {
1431            DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s);
1432            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1433        }
1434    }
1436    /**
1437     * Saves all extended Field values for a Domain in the Database.
1438     *
1439     * @param c Connection to Database
1440     * @param d Domain where loaded extended Field Values will be set
1441     * @throws SQLException If database errors occur.
1442     */
1443    private void saveExtendedFieldValues(Connection c, Domain d) throws SQLException {
1444        List<ExtendedFieldValue> list = d.getExtendedFieldValues();
1445        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
1446            ExtendedFieldValue efv = list.get(i);
1447            efv.setInstanceID(d.getID());
1449            ExtendedFieldValueDBDAO dao = (ExtendedFieldValueDBDAO) ExtendedFieldValueDAO.getInstance();
1450            if (efv.getExtendedFieldValueID() != null) {
1451                dao.update(c, efv, false);
1452            } else {
1453                dao.create(c, efv, false);
1454            }
1455        }
1456    }
1458    @Override
1459    public DomainConfiguration getDomainConfiguration(String domainName, String configName) {
1460        ArgumentNotValid.checkTrue(DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(domainName), "Cannot read invalid domain name " + domainName);
1461        DomainHistory history = getDomainHistory(domainName);
1462        List<String> crawlertraps = getCrawlertraps(domainName);
1464        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1465        List<DomainConfiguration> foundConfigs = new ArrayList<DomainConfiguration>();
1466        PreparedStatement s = null;
1467        try {
1468            // Read the configurations now that passwords and seedlists exist
1469                // TODO Seriously? Use a join.
1470            s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT config_id, " + "configurations.name, " + "comments, "
1471                    + "ordertemplates.name, " + "maxobjects, " + "maxrate, " + "maxbytes"
1472                    + " FROM configurations, ordertemplates " + "WHERE domain_id = (SELECT domain_id FROM domains "
1473                    + "  WHERE name=?)" + "  AND configurations.name = ?" + "  AND configurations.template_id = "
1474                    + "ordertemplates.template_id");
1475            s.setString(1, domainName);
1476            s.setString(2, configName);
1477            ResultSet res = s.executeQuery();
1478            while (res.next()) {
1479                long domainconfigId = res.getLong(1);
1480                String domainconfigName = res.getString(2);
1481                String domainConfigComments = res.getString(3);
1482                final String order = res.getString(4);
1483                long maxobjects = res.getLong(5);
1484                int maxrate = res.getInt(6);
1485                long maxbytes = res.getLong(7);
1486                PreparedStatement s1 = c.prepareStatement("SELECT seedlists.seedlist_id, seedlists.name,  "
1487                        + " seedlists.comments, seedlists.seeds " + "FROM seedlists, config_seedlists "
1488                        + "WHERE config_seedlists.config_id = ? " + "AND config_seedlists.seedlist_id = "
1489                        + "seedlists.seedlist_id");
1490                s1.setLong(1, domainconfigId);
1491                ResultSet seedlistResultset = s1.executeQuery();
1492                List<SeedList> seedlists = new ArrayList<SeedList>();
1493                while (seedlistResultset.next()) {
1494                    SeedList seedlist = getSeedListFromResultset(seedlistResultset);
1495                    seedlists.add(seedlist);
1496                }
1497                s1.close();
1498                if (seedlists.isEmpty()) {
1499                    String message = "Configuration " + domainconfigName + " of domain '" + domainName
1500                            + " has no seedlists";
1501                    log.warn(message);
1502                    throw new IOFailure(message);
1503                }
1505                PreparedStatement s2 = c.prepareStatement("SELECT passwords.password_id, "
1506                        + "passwords.name, passwords.comments, " + "passwords.url, passwords.realm, "
1507                        + "passwords.username, passwords.password " + "FROM passwords, config_passwords "
1508                        + "WHERE config_passwords.config_id = ? " + "AND config_passwords.password_id = "
1509                        + "passwords.password_id");
1510                s2.setLong(1, domainconfigId);
1511                ResultSet passwordResultset = s2.executeQuery();
1512                List<Password> passwords = new ArrayList<Password>();
1513                while (passwordResultset.next()) {
1514                    final Password pwd = new Password(passwordResultset.getString(2), passwordResultset.getString(3),
1515                            passwordResultset.getString(4), passwordResultset.getString(5),
1516                            passwordResultset.getString(6), passwordResultset.getString(7));
1517                    pwd.setID(passwordResultset.getLong(1));
1518                    passwords.add(pwd);
1519                }
1521                DomainConfiguration dc = new DomainConfiguration(domainconfigName, domainName, history, crawlertraps,
1522                        seedlists, passwords);
1523                dc.setOrderXmlName(order);
1524                dc.setMaxObjects(maxobjects);
1525                dc.setMaxRequestRate(maxrate);
1526                dc.setComments(domainConfigComments);
1527                dc.setMaxBytes(maxbytes);
1528                dc.setID(domainconfigId);
1529                foundConfigs.add(dc);
1530                s2.close();
1532                // EAV
1533                List<AttributeAndType> attributesAndTypes = EAV.getInstance().getAttributesAndTypes(EAV.DOMAIN_TREE_ID, (int)domainconfigId);
1534                dc.setAttributesAndTypes(attributesAndTypes);
1535            } // While
1536        } catch (SQLException e) {
1537            throw new IOFailure("Error while fetching DomainConfigration: ", e);
1538        } finally {
1539            DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s);
1540            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1541        }
1542        return foundConfigs.get(0);
1543    }
1545    /**
1546     * Retrieve the crawlertraps for a specific domain. TODO should this method be public?
1547     *
1548     * @param domainName the name of a domain.
1549     * @return the crawlertraps for given domain.
1550     */
1551    private List<String> getCrawlertraps(String domainName) {
1552        ArgumentNotValid.checkTrue(DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(domainName), "Cannot read invalid domain name " + domainName);
1553        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1554        String traps = null;
1555        PreparedStatement s = null;
1556        try {
1557            s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT crawlertraps FROM domains WHERE name = ?");
1558            s.setString(1, domainName);
1559            ResultSet crawlertrapsResultset = s.executeQuery();
1560            if (crawlertrapsResultset.next()) {
1561                traps = crawlertrapsResultset.getString(1);
1562            } else {
1563                throw new IOFailure("Unable to find crawlertraps for domain '" + domainName + "'. "
1564                        + "The domain doesn't seem to exist.");
1565            }
1566        } catch (SQLException e) {
1567            throw new IOFailure("Error while fetching crawlertraps  for domain '" + domainName + "': ", e);
1568        } finally {
1569            DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s);
1570            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1571        }
1572        return Arrays.asList(traps.split("\n"));
1573    }
1575    @Override
1576    public Iterator<HarvestInfo> getHarvestInfoBasedOnPreviousHarvestDefinition(
1577            final HarvestDefinition previousHarvestDefinition) {
1578        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(previousHarvestDefinition, "previousHarvestDefinition");
1579        // For each domainConfig, get harvest infos if there is any for the
1580        // previous harvest definition
1581        log.debug("We start the Iterator<HarvestInfo> process with getting an iterator of DomainConfigs in the previous HD#{}", previousHarvestDefinition.getOid());
1582        Iterator<DomainConfiguration> previousDomainConfigs = previousHarvestDefinition.getDomainConfigurations();
1583        log.debug("Now finished getting an iterator of DomainConfigs in the previous HD#{}. We can now return the FilterIterator<DomainConfiguration, HarvestInfo>", previousHarvestDefinition.getOid());
1584        return new FilterIterator<DomainConfiguration, HarvestInfo>(previousDomainConfigs) {
1585            /**
1586             * @see FilterIterator#filter(Object)
1587             */
1588            protected HarvestInfo filter(DomainConfiguration o) {
1589                DomainConfiguration config = o;
1590                DomainHistory domainHistory = getDomainHistory(config.getDomainName());
1591                HarvestInfo hi = domainHistory.getSpecifiedHarvestInfo(previousHarvestDefinition.getOid(),
1592                        config.getName());
1593                return hi;
1594            }
1595        }; // Here ends the above return-statement
1596    }
1598    /**
1599     * Retrieve HarvestInfo for a given harvestdefinition and domain combination.
1600     * @param harvestDefinition a given harvestdefinition
1601     * @param domain a given domain
1602     * @return null, if no HarvestInfo found for the given harvestdefinition and domain combination, otherwise it returns the first matching HarvestInfo found and gives a warning if more than one match exist.
1603     */
1604    @Override
1605    public HarvestInfo getHarvestInfoForDomainInHarvest(final HarvestDefinition harvestDefinition, final Domain domain) {
1606        PreparedStatement s = null;
1607        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1608        try {
1609            s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT h.stopreason, h.objectcount, h.bytecount, c.name, h.job_id, h.harvest_time FROM historyinfo as h, configurations as c WHERE "
1610                + " c.config_id=h.config_id AND c.domain_id=? AND h.harvest_id=?");
1611            s.setLong(1, domain.getID());
1612            s.setLong(2, harvestDefinition.getOid());
1613            ResultSet res = s.executeQuery();
1614            List<HarvestInfo> infoFoundForDomain = new ArrayList<HarvestInfo>();
1615            while (res.next()) {
1616                int stopreasonNum = res.getInt(1);
1617                StopReason stopreason = StopReason.getStopReason(stopreasonNum);
1618                long objectCount = res.getLong(2);
1619                long byteCount = res.getLong(3);
1620                String configName = res.getString(4);
1621                Long jobId = res.getLong(5);
1622                if (res.wasNull()) {
1623                    jobId = null;
1624                }
1625                long harvestId = harvestDefinition.getOid();
1626                Date harvestTime = new Date(res.getTimestamp(6).getTime());
1628                HarvestInfo hi = new HarvestInfo(harvestId, jobId, domain.getName(), configName, harvestTime, byteCount, objectCount, stopreason);
1629                infoFoundForDomain.add(hi);
1630            }
1631            if (infoFoundForDomain.isEmpty()) {
1632                return null;
1633            } else if (infoFoundForDomain.size() == 1) {
1634                return infoFoundForDomain.get(0);
1635            } else {
1636                HarvestInfo selected = infoFoundForDomain.get(0);
1637                Long latest = selected.getDate().getTime();
1638                for (int i=1; i < infoFoundForDomain.size(); i++) {
1639                    if (infoFoundForDomain.get(i).getDate().getTime() > latest) {
1640                        latest = infoFoundForDomain.get(i).getDate().getTime();
1641                        selected = infoFoundForDomain.get(i);
1642                    }
1643                }
1644                log.warn("Found {} harvestInfo entries for domain '{}' and harvestdefinition '{}'. Selecting the latest entry: {}", infoFoundForDomain.size(), domain.getName(), 
1645                        harvestDefinition.getName(), selected);
1646                return selected;
1647            }
1648        } catch (SQLException e) {
1649            throw new IOFailure("Error while fetching HarvestInfo for domain '" + domain.getName() + "' in harvest '" + harvestDefinition.getName() + "':", e);
1650        } finally {
1651            DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s);
1652            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1653        }
1654    }
1658    @Override
1659    public DomainHistory getDomainHistory(String domainName) {
1660        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(domainName, "String domainName");
1661        ArgumentNotValid.checkTrue(DomainUtils.isValidDomainName(domainName), "Cannot read invalid domain name " + domainName);
1662        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1663        DomainHistory history = new DomainHistory();
1664        // Read history info
1665        PreparedStatement s = null;
1666        try {
1667            s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT historyinfo_id, stopreason, " + "objectcount, bytecount, "
1668                    + "name, job_id, harvest_id, harvest_time " + "FROM historyinfo, configurations "
1669                    + "WHERE configurations.domain_id = " + "(SELECT domain_id FROM domains WHERE name=?)"
1670                    + "  AND historyinfo.config_id " + " = configurations.config_id");
1671            s.setString(1, domainName);
1672            ResultSet res = s.executeQuery();
1673            while (res.next()) {
1674                long hiID = res.getLong(1);
1675                int stopreasonNum = res.getInt(2);
1676                StopReason stopreason = StopReason.getStopReason(stopreasonNum);
1677                long objectCount = res.getLong(3);
1678                long byteCount = res.getLong(4);
1679                String configName = res.getString(5);
1680                Long jobId = res.getLong(6);
1681                if (res.wasNull()) {
1682                    jobId = null;
1683                }
1684                long harvestId = res.getLong(7);
1685                Date harvestTime = new Date(res.getTimestamp(8).getTime());
1686                HarvestInfo hi;
1688                hi = new HarvestInfo(harvestId, jobId, domainName, configName, harvestTime, byteCount, objectCount,
1689                        stopreason);
1690                hi.setID(hiID);
1691                history.addHarvestInfo(hi);
1692            }
1693        } catch (SQLException e) {
1694            throw new IOFailure("Error while fetching DomainHistory for domain '" + domainName + "': ", e);
1695        } finally {
1696            DBUtils.closeStatementIfOpen(s);
1697            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1698        }
1700        return history;
1701    }
1703    @Override
1704    public List<String> getDomains(String glob, String searchField) {
1705        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(glob, "glob");
1706        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(searchField, "searchField");
1707        // SQL uses % and _ instead of * and ?
1708        String sqlGlob = DBUtils.makeSQLGlob(glob);
1710        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1711        try {
1712            return DBUtils.selectStringList(c, "SELECT name FROM domains WHERE " + searchField.toLowerCase()
1713                    + " LIKE ?", sqlGlob).stream().filter(DomainUtils::isValidDomainName).collect(Collectors.toList());
1714        } finally {
1715            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1716        }
1717    }
1719        @Override
1720        public void renameAndUpdateConfig(Domain domain, DomainConfiguration domainConf,
1721                        String configOldName) {
1722                Connection connection = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1723                Long configId = DBUtils.selectLongValue(connection,
1724                "SELECT config_id FROM configurations WHERE domain_id = ? and name = ?", domain.getID(), configOldName);
1726        try {
1727                        PreparedStatement s = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE configurations SET name = ?, comments = ?, "
1728                                + "template_id = ( SELECT template_id FROM ordertemplates " + "WHERE name = ? ), " + "maxobjects = ?, "
1729                                + "maxrate = ?, " + "maxbytes = ? " + "WHERE config_id = ? AND domain_id = ?");
1730                                        s.setString(1, domainConf.getName());
1731                        DBUtils.setComments(s, 2, domainConf, Constants.MAX_COMMENT_SIZE);
1732                        s.setString(3, domainConf.getOrderXmlName());
1733                        s.setLong(4, domainConf.getMaxObjects());
1734                        s.setInt(5, domainConf.getMaxRequestRate());
1735                        s.setLong(6, domainConf.getMaxBytes());
1736                        s.setLong(7, configId);
1737                        s.setLong(8, domain.getID());
1738                        s.executeUpdate();
1739                        s.clearParameters();
1740                    updateConfigPasswordsEntries(connection, domain, domainConf);
1741                    updateConfigSeedlistsEntries(connection, domain, domainConf);
1742                s.close();
1743                } catch (SQLException e) {
1744                        throw new IOFailure("Error while renaming configuration '" + configOldName + "' to: " + domainConf.getName(), e);
1745                }  finally {
1746            HarvestDBConnection.release(connection);
1747        }
1748        }
1750    @Override
1751    public List<String> getAllDomainNames() {
1752        Connection c = HarvestDBConnection.get();
1753        try {
1754            return DBUtils.selectStringList(c, "SELECT name FROM domains").stream().filter(DomainUtils::isValidDomainName).collect(
1755                    Collectors.toList());
1756        } finally {
1757            HarvestDBConnection.release(c);
1758        }   
1759    }