
Interface Summary
FrontierReport Common interface for an Heritrix frontier report wrapper.
FrontierReportFilter Interface for a frontier report filter.
FrontierReportLineOrderKey Defines the parameters needed to determine order on frontier report lines.

Class Summary
AbstractFrontierReport Base abstract implementation of an Heritrix frontier report wrapper.
AbstractFrontierReportFilter Base abstract class for frontier report filters.
ExhaustedQueuesFilter Filters a frontier report to include only lines that represent exhausted queues.
FrontierReportAnalyzer Implements the analysis of a full frontier report obtained from Heritrix, as the execution of a sequence of user-defined filters, that each generate a smaller, in-memory frontier report that are sent in a JMS message to the HarvestMonitor.
FrontierReportCsvExport Utility class implementing the export of a frontier report object to a CSV file.
FrontierReportLine Wraps a line of the frontier report.
FrontierReportLineNaturalOrder This class implements a natural order on FrontierReportLine.
FullFrontierReport Wraps an Heritrix full frontier report.
InMemoryFrontierReport Implements a frontier report wrapper that is stored in memory.
TopTotalEnqueuesFilter Filters the N active queues (i.e.