
Interface Summary
SimpleCmdlineTool A very abstracted interface for simple command line tools.

Class Summary
ArcMerge Command line tool for merging several ARC files into a single ARC file.
ArcWrap Command line tool for creating an ARC file from given data.
ExtractCDX Command line tool for extracting CDX information from given ARC files.
JMSBroker Used to check if firewall ports are open and if the JMS broker is up and responding.
ReformatTranslationFile This executable takes three parameters : base properties file, that defines the key ordering properties file to reformat, sorting keys in the order defined by the first file character encoding for reformat and output file The second file is overwritten
ToolRunnerBase A simple class that manages and runs an implementation of SimpleCmdlineTool.
WriteBytesToFile A class with a method for creating large files.