Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Bitrepository CommonGeneral functionality for working with the Bitrepository code.
Bitrepository ProtocolGeneral functionality for communication with the Bitrepository protocol. This includes message bus integration and file exchange.
Bitrepository AccessContains functionality for reading from a Bitrepository system. This includes Get File, Get Checksums and Get File IDs.
Bitrepository Modifying ClientFunctionality for modifying the content of a Bitrepository system. This includes PutFIle, Replace and Delete functionality.
Bitrepository Integrity ClientIntegrity functionality consists of regularly collecting information about the data in the various pillars, and ensuring that the data are consistent. In case of inconsistency, integrity functionality ensures processes for raising alarms and restoring consistency.
Bitrepository Alarm ServiceClient for accessing alarms from the Bitrepository system
Bitrepository Audit Trail ServiceService for accessing the Audit Trail information for a Bit Repository Collection.
Bitrepository Reference Pillar-
Bitrepository Monitoring ServiceContains functionality for monitoring the Bitrepository system. The monitoring comonent is part of the system infrastructure.
Bitrepository IntegrationHere you can find the functionality for working with crosscutting module concerns. This is mainly integration tests.