Started 2 yr 6 mo ago

Not built Build NetarchiveSuite - wayback - indexer (31-Jan-2022 08:33:54)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release netarchivesuite-7.1 (commit: 1d53f8bcdc078160b94774ca5bceb31263ca8355) (detail)
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 6c38a07255284b81c271cd42aa9de132a29f810b) (detail)
  3. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release netarchivesuite-7.2 (commit: 5451945661aee7d11384d88bfb27e70fd2ffc021) (detail)
  4. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 77d8764f3d78690ee5759d2536d5e3688c91bab8) (detail)
  5. Progress reporting in CDXMapper should prevent timeouts on big warc (commit: f4c54cddfe7440cc5024fee62d1feb6b057089d1) (detail)
  6. dedupIndexer can now send progress info to hadoop and thus hopefully (commit: 936944d28b6add356f10837d7f4b1f5f3f8efa39) (detail)
  7. Fixed bitmag getfileids and some cleanup (commit: 520e4de5e267e3af2d40fa6e78803c15a33df510) (detail)
  8. Writing direct to hdfs. (commit: 2ab46b46fece97462f8000d14ddcf3017c77dd2c) (detail)
  9. Added direct output streaming from hdfs (commit: 480e7411841e986bc48e2bc9fa7d5f759f5eead7) (detail)
  10. Fixed some issues with holding large hadoop result sets in memory (commit: c5d6c5d38bb0cfe52a15493ccde9fa24a07e6a8d) (detail)