

  1. More missing versions on plugins (details)
  2. Updated parent-pom which provided a lot of the versions of last commit (details)
  3. Add Jenkinsfile (details)
Commit 824dab386dd13cc943199612b4431b26cdb88de0 by Rasmus Bohl Kristensen (rbkr)
More missing versions on plugins
The file was modifiedpom.xml
The file was modifiedbitrepository-message-xml-java/pom.xml
The file was modifiedbitrepository-message-xml-xsd/pom.xml
Commit 4ee4b1e002cd315d595af40fadd1b3282ddc9890 by Rasmus Bohl Kristensen (rbkr)
Updated parent-pom which provided a lot of the versions of last commit
The file was modifiedbitrepository-message-xml-xsd/pom.xml
The file was modifiedpom.xml
The file was modifiedbitrepository-message-xml-java/pom.xml
Commit 504b885e6a0d00c71bca86d0ba013dd03ac6dfb5 by Kim Christensen (ktc)
Add Jenkinsfile
The file was addedJenkinsfile