Started 1 yr 11 mo ago

Not built Build NetarchiveSuite - Heritrix3 Bundler (08-Aug-2022 13:39:06)

  1. Testing new crawlrss (commit: c95f4b4e426fcf194116ae8a0e3ead5d2c26ecc0) (detail)
  2. Excluding clashing dependency of httpclient (commit: 2d37bccb714e8981ceb811b94d904fb3d64234ce) (detail)
  3. Added an exclusion to the assembly (commit: b228e2039e0220a767d11c8a6fdb0e6362c464d1) (detail)
  4. Made sure to exclude unwanted older heritrix from crawl-rss import (commit: a01ffef132b3820aa9edf77b80ee36faa37933a7) (detail)
  5. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release netarchivesuite-7.4 (commit: ff43b1ffbb7beea67078a7b5f95043677bbabeea) (detail)
  6. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 395ff291e16c4aa5ecbeb0659df6fcd14ce1ff31) (detail)