
Changes between #56 and #57

#57 (08-Mar-2021 09:03:28)

  1. Removed old bitmag classes and remnants of it (commit: ad3aaf637af932564da7d15e83b75c02e9f7fb6f) — Rasmus Bohl Kristensen (rbkr) / detail
  2. Moved Kerberos logins (commit: d022a62c4c855acd8a042db1a240ea515a063d7f) — Rasmus Bohl Kristensen (rbkr) / detail
  3. collectionID setting fix to always default to env name when unset (commit: a114fff89a4046d8084f41be0a25f599dd785575) — Rasmus Bohl Kristensen (rbkr) / detail
  4. Just some optimized imports and small stuff (commit: 48977bc912bcd2f4b9b44db06e65c04eb0281352) — Rasmus Bohl Kristensen (rbkr) / detail
  5. Follow up to own review comments (commit: 681d1147f7824aa7a18804c4b1d9475ce9c26c19) — Colin Rosenthal (csr) / detail