
#5930 (03-Mar-2022 15:07:16)

  1. Got the project compiling with java 11 and removed a bunch of warnings — Rasmus Bohl Kristensen (rbkr) / detail
  2. Swapped old jaxb maven plugin for Mojohaus' and fixed a couple of missed — Rasmus Bohl Kristensen (rbkr) / detail
  3. Gave xjc-generated classes an explicit serialVersionUID to squash — Rasmus Bohl Kristensen (rbkr) / detail
  4. Removed outcommented plugin and added small comment on updating new — Rasmus Bohl Kristensen (rbkr) / detail

#5914 (26-Jun-2020 13:24:00)

  1. All poms updated as much as possible — Rasmus Bohl Kristensen (rbkr) / detail
  2. Apparently updating jaxb was no issue — Rasmus Bohl Kristensen (rbkr) / detail
  3. Updated jaxb runtime to wrong version by mistake.. 1.11.1 is 'published — Rasmus Bohl Kristensen (rbkr) / detail