SuccessConsole Output

projectStarted org.bitrepository.reference:bitrepository-integrity-service:1.2-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] [INFO] Deleting /home/cibuild01/workspace/Bitrepository-reference-test/bitrepository-integrity-service/target
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Bitrepository Integrity Service 1.2-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
mojoStarted org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5(default-clean)
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ bitrepository-integrity-service ---
mojoSucceeded org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5(default-clean)
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 7 resources
mojoStarted org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.6(default-resources)
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ bitrepository-integrity-service ---
mojoSucceeded org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.6(default-resources)
mojoStarted org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1(default-compile)
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) @ bitrepository-integrity-service ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 58 source files to /home/cibuild01/workspace/Bitrepository-reference-test/bitrepository-integrity-service/target/classes
mojoSucceeded org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1(default-compile)
mojoStarted org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.6(default-testResources)[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.

[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ bitrepository-integrity-service ---
[INFO] Copying 3 resources
mojoSucceeded org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.6(default-testResources)
mojoStarted org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1(default-testCompile)
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ bitrepository-integrity-service ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 23 source files to /home/cibuild01/workspace/Bitrepository-reference-test/bitrepository-integrity-service/target/test-classes
mojoSucceeded org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1(default-testCompile)
mojoStarted org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.14.1(default-test)[INFO] Surefire report directory: /home/cibuild01/workspace/Bitrepository-reference-test/bitrepository-integrity-service/target/surefire-reports

 T E S T S

[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.14.1:test (default-test) @ bitrepository-integrity-service ---
Running TestSuite
Configuring TestNG with: TestNG652Configurator
Starting test project Integration Service Test
  Suite: Command line suite
11:41:23.524 ERROR - Memory Usage for the Broker (1024 mb) is more than the maximum available for the JVM: 487 mb - resetting to 70% of maximum available: 341 mb
11:41:23.525 ERROR - Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb, whilst the temporary data directory: /home/cibuild01/workspace/Bitrepository-reference-test/bitrepository-integrity-service/target/activemq-data/localhost/tmp_storage only has 18447 mb of usable space - resetting to maximum available 18447 mb.
    Starting testcase BasicIntegrityReporterTest
      Test starting: checksumIssuesTest
        Description: Verifies that missing files are reported correctly
        Step: Report a checksum issue
        Step: Report another checksum issue on the same pillar
        Step: Report a checksum issue on another pillar
      Test success: checksumIssuesTest
      Test starting: deletedFilesTest
        Description: Verifies that the hasIntegrityIssues() reports deleted files correctly
        Step: Report a delete file for a new Reporter
      Test success: deletedFilesTest
      Test starting: missingChecksumTest
        Description: Verifies that missing checksums are reported correctly
        Step: Report a missing checksum
        Step: Report another missing checksum on the same pillar
        Step: Report a missing checksum on another pillar
      Test success: missingChecksumTest
      Test starting: missingFilesTest
        Description: Verifies that missing files are reported correctly
        Step: Report a missing file
        Step: Report another missing file on the same pillar
        Step: Report a missing file on another pillar
      Test success: missingFilesTest
      Test starting: noIntegrityIssuesTest
        Description: Verifies that missing files are reported correctly
        Step: Create a clean reporter
      Test success: noIntegrityIssuesTest
      Test starting: obsoleteChecksumTest
        Description: Verifies that obsolete checksums are reported correctly
        Step: Report a obsolete checksum
        Step: Report another obsolete checksum on the same pillar
        Step: Report a obsolete checksum on another pillar
      Test success: obsoleteChecksumTest
    Starting testcase ChecksumStateTest
      Test starting: testChecksumState
        Description: Test the checksum states.
        Step: Extract the checksum states.
        Step: Check the order of checksum states
      Test success: testChecksumState
    Starting testcase DatabaseConstantsTest
      Test starting: validateUtilityClass
        Description: Validating that the utility class is actually an utility class.
      Test success: validateUtilityClass
    Starting testcase FileInfoTest
      Test starting: testFileInfo
        Description: Tests the FileInfo element. Adds all data and extracts it again.
        Step: Setup the file info.
        Step: Change the checksum
        Step: Change the date for last file id check
        Step: Change the date for last checksum check
        Step: Change the FileState
        Step: Change the ChecksumState
      Test success: testFileInfo
    Starting testcase FileStateTest
      Test starting: testFileState
        Description: Test the file states.
        Step: Extract the file states.
        Step: Check the order of file states
      Test success: testFileState
    Starting testcase HandleChecksumValidationStepTest
      Test starting: testAuditTrailsForChecksumErrors
        Description: Test audit trails for checksum errors. Verify that a pillar with a single checksum will be pointed out as the possible cause.
        Step: Test step on data without checksum error
        Step: Test step on data where only two pillars have the file and they disagree about the checksum.
        Step: remove the last auditinfo
        Step: Test step on data where two pillars have one checksum and the last pillar has a different one
      Test success: testAuditTrailsForChecksumErrors
      Test starting: testMissingAtOnePillar
        Description: Test the checksum integrity validator when one pillar is missing the data.
        Step: Update the cache with identitical data for both pillars.
        Step: Perform the step
        Step: Validate the file ids
      Test success: testMissingAtOnePillar
      Test starting: testNoData
        Description: Test the checksum integrity validator without any data in the cache.
        Step: Validate the file ids
      Test success: testNoData
      Test starting: testSimilarData
        Description: Test the checksum integrity validator when all pillars have similar data.
        Step: Add data to the cache
        Step: Perform the step
        Step: Validate the file ids
      Test success: testSimilarData
      Test starting: testThreeDisagreeingChecksums
        Description: Test the checksum integrity validator when all pillars have different checksums.
        Step: Add data to the cache
        Step: Perform the step
        Step: Validate the file ids
      Test success: testThreeDisagreeingChecksums
      Test starting: testTwoDisagreeingChecksums
        Description: Test the checksum integrity validator when only two pillar has data, but it it different.
        Step: Add data to the cache
        Step: Perform the step
        Step: Validate the file ids
      Test success: testTwoDisagreeingChecksums
      Test starting: testUpdatingFileIDsForValidChecksum
        Description: Test that a file is set to having ChecksumState UNKNOWN, when it has a file-update.
        Step: Add data to the cache
        Step: Perform the step
        Step: Validate the file ids
        Step: Add new fileids for one pillar
      Test success: testUpdatingFileIDsForValidChecksum
    Starting testcase IntegrityAlerterTest
      Test starting: testIntegrityFailed
        Description: Test the IntegrityFailed method for the IntegrityAlerter
        Step: Call the function for integrity failure.
          Stimuli: Sending message: org.bitrepository.bitrepositorymessages.AlarmMessage@4caf8c12[correlationID=ae912ef7-5880-46db-b709-e4100d49707d, collectionID=TwoPillarCollection, destination=TEST-ALARM-TOPIC-cibuild01, replyTo=TEST-TOPIC-IntegrityAlerterTest-cibuild01-contributor, from=IntegrityAlerterTest, to=<null>, version=26, minVersion=24, alarm=org.bitrepository.bitrepositoryelements.Alarm@72f58fa3[origDateTime=2014-02-25T11:41:47.525+01:00, alarmCode=INTEGRITY_ISSUE, alarmRaiser=IntegrityAlerterTest, alarmText=Testaintegrity alarm, fileID=<null>, collectionID=TwoPillarCollection]]
          Result: Received message on TEST-ALARM-TOPIC-cibuild01 : org.bitrepository.bitrepositorymessages.AlarmMessage@5df81bba[correlationID=ae912ef7-5880-46db-b709-e4100d49707d, collectionID=TwoPillarCollection, destination=TEST-ALARM-TOPIC-cibuild01, replyTo=TEST-TOPIC-IntegrityAlerterTest-cibuild01-contributor, from=IntegrityAlerterTest, to=<null>, version=26, minVersion=24, alarm=org.bitrepository.bitrepositoryelements.Alarm@3a2e5098[origDateTime=2014-02-25T11:41:47.525+01:00, alarmCode=INTEGRITY_ISSUE, alarmRaiser=IntegrityAlerterTest, alarmText=Testaintegrity alarm, fileID=<null>, collectionID=TwoPillarCollection]]
      Test success: testIntegrityFailed
      Test starting: testOperationFailed
        Description: Test the OperationFailed method for the IntegrityAlerter
        Step: Call the function for integrity failure.
          Stimuli: Sending message: org.bitrepository.bitrepositorymessages.AlarmMessage@477a06eb[correlationID=f226a05f-1aea-4deb-92ff-8c2454a3c4c2, collectionID=TwoPillarCollection, destination=TEST-ALARM-TOPIC-cibuild01, replyTo=TEST-TOPIC-IntegrityAlerterTest-cibuild01-contributor, from=IntegrityAlerterTest, to=<null>, version=26, minVersion=24, alarm=org.bitrepository.bitrepositoryelements.Alarm@f4df69e[origDateTime=2014-02-25T11:41:49.466+01:00, alarmCode=FAILED_OPERATION, alarmRaiser=IntegrityAlerterTest, alarmText=Testing the ability to fail., fileID=<null>, collectionID=TwoPillarCollection]]
          Result: Received message on TEST-ALARM-TOPIC-cibuild01 : org.bitrepository.bitrepositorymessages.AlarmMessage@3447988a[correlationID=f226a05f-1aea-4deb-92ff-8c2454a3c4c2, collectionID=TwoPillarCollection, destination=TEST-ALARM-TOPIC-cibuild01, replyTo=TEST-TOPIC-IntegrityAlerterTest-cibuild01-contributor, from=IntegrityAlerterTest, to=<null>, version=26, minVersion=24, alarm=org.bitrepository.bitrepositoryelements.Alarm@3280a143[origDateTime=2014-02-25T11:41:49.466+01:00, alarmCode=FAILED_OPERATION, alarmRaiser=IntegrityAlerterTest, alarmText=Testing the ability to fail., fileID=<null>, collectionID=TwoPillarCollection]]
      Test success: testOperationFailed
    Starting testcase IntegrityCacheTest
      Test starting: numberOfCorruptFileCachingTest
        Description: Tests the caching functionality related to number of files with inconsistent checksums.
        Step: Call getNumberOfMissingFiles the first time
        Step: Call getNumberOfChecksumErrors again
        Step: Called setFileMissing followed by a getNumberOfChecksumErrors call
        Step: Set refreshPeriodAfterDirtyMark to 1 second, called setChecksumError followed by a getNumberOfChecksumErrors call
      Test success: numberOfCorruptFileCachingTest
      Test starting: numberOfFileCachingTest
        Description: Tests the caching functionality related to number of files.
        Step: Call getNumberOfFiles the first time
        Step: Call getNumberOfFiles again
        Step: Called setFile followed by a getNumberOfFiles call
      Test success: numberOfFileCachingTest
      Test starting: numberOfMissingFileCachingTest
        Description: Tests the caching functionality related to number of missing files.
        Step: Call getNumberOfMissingFiles the first time
        Step: Call getNumberOfMissingFiles again
        Step: Called setFileMissing followed by a getNumberOfMissingFiles call
      Test success: numberOfMissingFileCachingTest
    Starting testcase IntegrityDAOTest
      Test starting: initialStateExtractionTest
        Description: Tests the initial state of the IntegrityModel. Should not contain any data.
        Step: Test the 'findFilesWithOldChecksum'
        Step: Test the 'findMissingChecksums'
        Step: Test the 'findMissingFiles'
        Step: Test the 'getAllFileIDs'
        Step: Test the 'getFileInfosForFile'
        Step: Test the 'getNumberOfMissingFilesForAPillar'
        Step: Test the 'getNumberOfExistingFilesForAPillar'
        Step: Test the 'getNumberOfMissingFilesForAPillar'
        Step: Test the 'getPillarsMissingFile'
        Step: Test that the database knows the extra collection
      Test success: initialStateExtractionTest
      Test starting: instantiationTest
        Description: Testing the connection to the integrity database.
      Test success: instantiationTest
      Test starting: reinitialiseDatabaseTest
        Description: Testing the connection to the integrity database.
        Step: Setup manually.
        Step: Close the connection and create another one.
      Test success: reinitialiseDatabaseTest
      Test starting: testDeletingEntry
        Description: Tests the deletion of an FileID entry from a collection. Checks that it does not effect another collection with a fileID equal to the deleted
        Step: Create data
        Step: Ensure that the data is present
        Step: Delete the entry
        Step: Check that the data in the extra collection is still present
      Test success: testDeletingEntry
      Test starting: testDeletingNonExistingEntry
        Description: Tests the deletion of an nonexisting FileID entry.
        Step: Create data
        Step: Delete a nonexisting entry
      Test success: testDeletingNonExistingEntry
      Test starting: testExtractCollectionFileSize
        Description: Tests that the accumulated size of the collection can be extracted
        Step: Insert test data into database
        Step: Check that the data has been properly ingested into the database
        Step: Check the reported size of the first pillar in the collection
        Step: Check the reported size of the second pillar in the collection
        Step: Check the reported size of the whole collection
      Test success: testExtractCollectionFileSize
      Test starting: testExtractingAllKnownFilesForPillars
        Description: Tests that known files can be extracted for specific pillars.
        Step: Insert two files into database for a pillar
        Step: Insert a file to the extra collection for the common pillar
        Step: Extract all the existing file ids for the pillar for collection 'TwoPillarCollection'
        Step: Extract the single fileID for the extra collection
        Step: Extract all the existing file ids for another pillar
      Test success: testExtractingAllKnownFilesForPillars
      Test starting: testExtractingAllKnownFilesForPillarsIgnoresMissingFiles
        Description: Tests that only existing files are extracted for specific pillars.
        Step: Insert two files into database for a pillar, and mark one as missing
        Step: Extract all the existing file ids for the pillar
      Test success: testExtractingAllKnownFilesForPillarsIgnoresMissingFiles
      Test starting: testExtractingAllKnownFilesForPillarsLimits
        Description: Tests the limits for extracting files for specific pillars.
        Step: Insert two files into database for a pillar
        Step: Extract with a maximum of 1
        Step: Extract with a minimum of 1 and maximum of infinite
      Test success: testExtractingAllKnownFilesForPillarsLimits
      Test starting: testExtractingAllMissingFilesForPillars
        Description: Tests that missing files can be extracted for specific pillars.
        Step: Insert two files into database for a pillar and mark them as missing
        Step: Add a missing file to the extra collection
        Step: Extract all the missing file ids for the pillar
        Step: Ensure extract the one missing file from the extra collection
        Step: Extract all the missing file ids for another pillar
      Test success: testExtractingAllMissingFilesForPillars
      Test starting: testExtractingAllMissingFilesForPillarsLimits
        Description: Tests the limits for extracting missing files for specific pillars.
        Step: Insert two files into database for a pillar and set them to missing
        Step: Extract with a maximum of 1
        Step: Extract with a minimum of 1 and maximum of infinite
        Step: Extract with a minimum of 1 and maximum of 0
      Test success: testExtractingAllMissingFilesForPillarsLimits
      Test starting: testExtractingFilesWithChecksumErrorForPillars
        Description: Tests that files with checksum error can be extracted for specific pillars.
        Step: Insert two files into database for a pillar and mark them as having checksum error
        Step: Insert one file for the extra collection into the database, and mark is as having a checksumerror
        Step: Extract all the files with checksum error for the pillar
        Step: Extrat all files with checksum errors for the pillar in the extra collection
        Step: Extract all the files with checksum error for another pillar
      Test success: testExtractingFilesWithChecksumErrorForPillars
      Test starting: testExtractingFilesWithChecksumErrorForPillarsLimits
        Description: Tests the limits for extracting files with checksum error for specific pillars.
        Step: Insert two files into database for a pillar and mark them as having checksum error
        Step: Extract with a maximum of 1
        Step: Extract with a minimum of 1 and maximum of infinite
      Test success: testExtractingFilesWithChecksumErrorForPillarsLimits
      Test starting: testExtractingMissingFilesForPillarsIgnoresExistingFiles
        Description: Tests that only missing files are extracted for specific pillars.
        Step: Insert two files into database for a pillar, and mark one as missing
        Step: Extract all the missing file ids for the pillar
      Test success: testExtractingMissingFilesForPillarsIgnoresExistingFiles
      Test starting: testFindOrphanFiles
        Description: Tests the ability to find orphan files.
        Step: Create data
      Test success: testFindOrphanFiles
      Test starting: testInconsistentChecksum
        Description: Testing the localization of inconsistent checksums
        Step: Update the database with 2 inconsistent files and one consistent file.
        Step: Find the files with inconsistent checksums
        Step: Set the files with consistent checksums to valid.
      Test success: testInconsistentChecksum
      Test starting: testInconsistentChecksumAndMissingFile
        Description: Testing the localization of inconsistent checksums
        Step: make 3 pillars in settings.
        Step: Update the database with different checksum for the file for 2 pillars, but no update for the third pillar.
        Step: Set old unknown files to missing
        Step: Find the files with inconsistent checksums
        Step: Set checksum error for all pillars
        Step: Validate the states
      Test success: testInconsistentChecksumAndMissingFile
      Test starting: testIngestOfChecksumsData
        Description: Tests the ingesting of checksums data
        Step: Create data
        Step: Extract the data
        Step: Check that the extra collection is untouched by the ingest
      Test success: testIngestOfChecksumsData
      Test starting: testIngestOfFileIDsData
        Description: Tests the ingesting of file ids data
        Step: Create data
        Step: Extract the data
        Step: Check that the extra collection is untouched by the ingest
      Test success: testIngestOfFileIDsData
      Test starting: testMissingChecksum
        Description: Testing the checksum validation, when only one pillar has a checksum for a file.
        Step: Update the database with 2 inconsistent files and one consistent file.
        Step: Finding the files with inconsistent checksums
      Test success: testMissingChecksum
      Test starting: testNoChecksums
        Description: Testing the checksum validation, when no checksums exists.
        Step: Update the database with 2 inconsistent files and one consistent file.
        Step: Finding the files with inconsistent checksums
      Test success: testNoChecksums
      Test starting: testPillarInkonsistencies
        Description: Testing how the database handles inkonsistencies in the list of pillars.
        Step: Test when creating the database when only pillar 1 defined
        Step: Testing when only the other pillar is defined.
        Step: Testing when both the other pillars are defined.
      Test success: testPillarInkonsistencies
      Test starting: testSettingChecksumStateToError
        Description: Tests the ability to set the checksum state to error for a given pillar.
        Step: Create data
        Step: Set the checksum to error on MY-TEST-PILLAR-1 for collection TwoPillarCollection
        Step: Check that the changes does not effect the extra collection
      Test success: testSettingChecksumStateToError
      Test starting: testSettingChecksumStateToValid
        Description: Tests the ability to set the checksum stat to valid for a given pillar.
        Step: Create data
        Step: Set the file to missing
        Step: Check that the changes does not effect the extra collection
      Test success: testSettingChecksumStateToValid
      Test starting: testSettingFileStateToPreviouslySeen
        Description: Tests setting all the filestates to previously seen.
        Step: Update the 2 file ids
        Step: Set the file state of all files to unknown.
        Step: Check that the changes in collection 'TwoPillarCollection' does not effect collection 'extra-collection'.
      Test success: testSettingFileStateToPreviouslySeen
      Test starting: testSettingNewUnknownFileToMissing
        Description: Tests that only unknown files older than the time-stamp is set to missing.
        Step: Update with two files, one at the time, and record a timestamp in between
        Step: Set the file state of all files to unknown.
        Step: Set the unknown files older than the timestamp to missing.
      Test success: testSettingNewUnknownFileToMissing
      Test starting: testSettingStateToMissing
        Description: Tests the ability to set an file to missing at a given pillar.
        Step: Create data
        Step: Set the file to missing
        Step: Check that the changes in the first collection does not effect the extra collection
      Test success: testSettingStateToMissing
      Test starting: testSettingUnknownFilesToMissing
        Description: Tests setting the unknown files to missing.
        Step: Update the 2 file ids
        Step: Set the file state of all files to unknown.
        Step: Ensure that the changes to one collection does not influence the other
        Step: Set the unknown files to missing.
        Step: Ensure that the changes to one collection does not influence the other
      Test success: testSettingUnknownFilesToMissing
      Test starting: testStatisticsGeneration
        Description: Tests that statistics can be made and extracted.
        Step: Populate the database
        Step: Check that the data is in the database
        Step: Check that the pillar stats is as expected
        Step: Check that the collection stats is as expected
      Test success: testStatisticsGeneration
    Starting testcase IntegrityDBToolsTest
      Test starting: testAddCollectionSuccess
        Description: Tests that a new collection can be added to the integrity database
        Step: Extract initial list of collections
        Step: Add the new collection
      Test success: testAddCollectionSuccess
      Test starting: testAddExistingCollection
        Description: Tests that an existing collectionID cannot be added to the integrity database.
        Step: Extract initial list of collections.
        Step: Attempt to add the new collection.
      Test success: testAddExistingCollection
      Test starting: testRemoveExistingCollection
        Description: Tests the removal of an existing collection and references to it in the integrity database
        Step: Extract initial list of collections.
        Step: Populate the database
        Step: Remove the collection TEST_COLLECTIONID
      Test success: testRemoveExistingCollection
      Test starting: testRemoveNonExistingCollection
        Description: Tests that a non existing collection can't be removed from the integrity database.
        Step: Extract initial list of collections.
        Step: Attempt to remove the non-existing collection.
      Test success: testRemoveNonExistingCollection
    Starting testcase IntegrityDatabaseTest
      Test starting: initialStateExtractionTest
        Description: Tests the initial state of the IntegrityModel. Should not contain any data.
        Step: Test the 'findChecksumsOlderThan'
        Step: Test the 'findMissingChecksums'
        Step: Test the 'findMissingFiles'
        Step: Test the 'getAllFileIDs'
        Step: Test the 'getFileInfos'
        Step: Test the 'getNumberOfChecksumErrors'
        Step: Test the 'getNumberOfFiles'
        Step: Test the 'getNumberOfMissingFiles'
        Step: Test the 'getPillarsMissingFile'
      Test success: initialStateExtractionTest
      Test starting: instantiationTest
        Description: Tests that the connection can be instantaited.
      Test success: instantiationTest
      Test starting: testDeletingEntry
        Description: Tests the deletion of an FileID entry.
        Step: Create data
        Step: Delete the entry
      Test success: testDeletingEntry
      Test starting: testIngestOfChecksumsData
        Description: Tests the ingesting of checksums data
        Step: Create data
        Step: Extract the data
      Test success: testIngestOfChecksumsData
      Test starting: testIngestOfFileIDsData
        Description: Tests the ingesting of file ids data
        Step: Create data
        Step: Extract the data
      Test success: testIngestOfFileIDsData
      Test starting: testSettingChecksumStateToError
        Description: Tests the ability to set the checksum stat to error for a given pillar.
        Step: Create data
        Step: Set the file to missing
      Test success: testSettingChecksumStateToError
      Test starting: testSettingChecksumStateToValid
        Description: Tests the ability to set the checksum stat to valid for a given pillar.
        Step: Create data
        Step: Set the file to missing
      Test success: testSettingChecksumStateToValid
      Test starting: testSettingStateToMissing
        Description: Tests the ability to set an file to missing at a given pillar.
        Step: Create data
        Step: Set the file to missing
      Test success: testSettingStateToMissing
    Starting testcase IntegrityInformationCollectorTest
      Test starting: testCollectorGetChecksums
        Description: Tests that the collector calls the GetChecksumsClient
        Step: Define variables
        Step: Setup a GetChecksumsClient for test purpose.
        Step: Call the getChecksumsClient on the collector.
        Step: Call the getChecksumsClient on the collector four times more.
      Test success: testCollectorGetChecksums
      Test starting: testCollectorGetFileIDs
        Description: Tests that the collector calls the GetFileClient
        Step: Define variables
        Step: Setup a GetFileIDsClient for test purpose.
        Step: Call the getFileIDs on the collector.
        Step: Call the getFileIDs on the collector four times more.
      Test success: testCollectorGetFileIDs
      Test starting: testCollectorHandleChecksumClientFailures
        Description: Test that the IntegrityInformationCollector works as a fault-barrier.
        Step: Setup variables for the test
        Step: Setup a FailingGetChecksumClient for test purpose.
        Step: Verify that the collector does not fail, just because the GetChecksumClient does so
      Test success: testCollectorHandleChecksumClientFailures
      Test starting: testCollectorHandleGetFileIDsClientFailures
        Description: Test that the IntegrityInformationCollector works as a fault-barrier.
        Step: Setup variables for the test
        Step: Setup a FailingGetChecksumClient for test purpose.
        Step: Verify that the collector does not fail, just because the GetChecksumClient does so
      Test success: testCollectorHandleGetFileIDsClientFailures
    Starting testcase IntegrityWorkflowManagerTest
      Test starting: collectionSpecificWorkflows
        Description: Verifies that the IntegrityWorkflowManager loads correctly for workflows configured for specific collection.
        Step: Create a IntegrityWorkflowManager based on a workflow with different schedules for collection 1 and 2 (daily and hourly)
      Test success: collectionSpecificWorkflows
      Test starting: noWorkflowPackage
        Description: Verifies that the IntegrityWorkflowManager loads correctly for at workflow configuration with a workflow class name without a package scope (located in the deafult workflow package).
        Step: Create a IntegrityWorkflowManager based on a single Testworkflow with a daily schedule in a to collection system, where the className is just the simplename
      Test success: noWorkflowPackage
      Test starting: noWorkflowSettings
        Description: Verifies that the IntegrityWorkflowManager loads correctly for missing reference settings a workflow settings element.
        Step: Create a IntegrityWorkflowManager based on a workflowsettingsless configuration
      Test success: noWorkflowSettings
      Test starting: normalWorkflowSettings
        Description: Verifies that the IntegrityWorkflowManager loads correctly for at normally defined workflow.
        Step: Create a IntegrityWorkflowManager based on a single Testworkflow with a daily schedule in a to collection system
      Test success: normalWorkflowSettings
      Test starting: startWorkflow
        Description: Verifies that the that it is possible to manually start a workflow.
        Step: Call the startWorkflow with a workflow defined in the configuration
      Test success: startWorkflow
      Test starting: unscheduledWorkflow
        Description: Verifies that the IntegrityWorkflowManager loads workflow correctly for workflows without a defined schedule meaning they are never run automatically.
        Step: Create a IntegrityWorkflowManager based on a single Testworkflow without a schedule
      Test success: unscheduledWorkflow
    Starting testcase MaxChecksumAgeProviderTest
      Test starting: testNoPillarSpecificSetting
        Description: Test the MaxChecksumAge when no settings are defined for the specific pillar
        Step: Create a MaxChecksumAgeProvider with settings containing a default MaxAge of 10 and no pillar specific settings
      Test success: testNoPillarSpecificSetting
      Test starting: testNoSettings
        Description: Test the MaxChecksumAge when no settings are defined
        Step: Create a MaxChecksumAgeProvider with null settings and a default MaxAge of 100
      Test success: testNoSettings
      Test starting: testPillarSpecificSetting
        Description: Test the MaxChecksumAge when a value has been defined for specific pillars
        Step: Create a MaxChecksumAgeProvider with settings containing a default MaxAge of 10, pillar1MaxChecksumAge of 1001 and pillar2 MaxChecksumAge of 1002
      Test success: testPillarSpecificSetting
    Starting testcase UpdateChecksumsStepTest
      Test starting: testIngestOfResults
        Description: Test the step for updating the checksums delivers the results to the integrity model.
      Test success: testIngestOfResults
      Test starting: testNegativeReply
        Description: Test the step for updating the checksums can handle FAILURE operation event.
      Test success: testNegativeReply
      Test starting: testPartialResults
        Description: Test that the number of partial is used for generating more than one request.
        Step: Setup the collector mock to generate a isPartialResult=true event the first time and a isPartialResult=false the second time
      Test success: testPartialResults
      Test starting: testPositiveReply
        Description: Test the step for updating the checksums can handle COMPLETE operation event.
      Test success: testPositiveReply
    Starting testcase UpdateFileIDsStepTest
      Test starting: testIngestOfResults
        Description: Test the step for updating the file ids can ingest the data correctly into the store.
      Test success: testIngestOfResults
      Test starting: testNegativeReply
        Description: Test the step for updating the file ids can handle FAILED operation event.
      Test success: testNegativeReply
      Test starting: testPartialResults
        Description: Test that the number of partial is used for generating more than one request.
        Step: Setup the collector mock to generate a isPartialResult=true event the first time and a isPartialResult=false the second time
      Test success: testPartialResults
      Test starting: testPositiveReply
        Description: Test the step for updating the file ids can handle COMPLETE operation event.
      Test success: testPositiveReply
      Finished testcase
  Finished suite
Finished project
Tests run: 84, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 117.702 sec

Results :

Tests run: 84, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

mojoSucceeded org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.14.1(default-test)
[JENKINS] Recording test results
mojoStarted org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.3(default-war)
[INFO] --- maven-war-plugin:2.3:war (default-war) @ bitrepository-integrity-service ---
[INFO] Packaging webapp
[INFO] Assembling webapp [bitrepository-integrity-service] in [/home/cibuild01/workspace/Bitrepository-reference-test/bitrepository-integrity-service/target/bitrepository-integrity-service-1.2-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Processing war project
[INFO] Copying webapp resources [/home/cibuild01/workspace/Bitrepository-reference-test/bitrepository-integrity-service/src/main/webapp]
[INFO] Webapp assembled in [159 msecs]
mojoSucceeded org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.3(default-war)[INFO] Building war: /home/cibuild01/workspace/Bitrepository-reference-test/bitrepository-integrity-service/target/bitrepository-integrity-service-1.2-SNAPSHOT.war

mojoStarted org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin:2.4(default)
[INFO] [INFO] Building jar: /home/cibuild01/workspace/Bitrepository-reference-test/bitrepository-integrity-service/target/bitrepository-integrity-service-1.2-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar

[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:test-jar (default) @ bitrepository-integrity-service ---
mojoSucceeded org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin:2.4(default)
mojoStarted org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.4(distribution)[INFO] Reading assembly descriptor: src/main/assembly/assembly.xml

[INFO] --- maven-assembly-plugin:2.4:single (distribution) @ bitrepository-integrity-service ---
mojoSucceeded org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.4(distribution)[INFO] Building tar: /home/cibuild01/workspace/Bitrepository-reference-test/bitrepository-integrity-service/target/bitrepository-integrity-service-1.2-SNAPSHOT-distribution.tar.gz

mojoStarted org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin:2.2.1(attach-sources)
[INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.2.1:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ bitrepository-integrity-service ---
mojoSucceeded org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin:2.2.1(attach-sources)
mojoStarted org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.4(default-install)
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ bitrepository-integrity-service ---
mojoSucceeded org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.4(default-install)
[INFO] Building jar: /home/cibuild01/workspace/Bitrepository-reference-test/bitrepository-integrity-service/target/bitrepository-integrity-service-1.2-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
[INFO] Installing /home/cibuild01/workspace/Bitrepository-reference-test/bitrepository-integrity-service/target/bitrepository-integrity-service-1.2-SNAPSHOT.war to /home/cibuild01/.m2/repository/org/bitrepository/reference/bitrepository-integrity-service/1.2-SNAPSHOT/bitrepository-integrity-service-1.2-SNAPSHOT.war
[INFO] Installing /home/cibuild01/workspace/Bitrepository-reference-test/bitrepository-integrity-service/pom.xml to /home/cibuild01/.m2/repository/org/bitrepository/reference/bitrepository-integrity-service/1.2-SNAPSHOT/bitrepository-integrity-service-1.2-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/cibuild01/workspace/Bitrepository-reference-test/bitrepository-integrity-service/target/bitrepository-integrity-service-1.2-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar to /home/cibuild01/.m2/repository/org/bitrepository/reference/bitrepository-integrity-service/1.2-SNAPSHOT/bitrepository-integrity-service-1.2-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar
[INFO] Installing /home/cibuild01/workspace/Bitrepository-reference-test/bitrepository-integrity-service/target/bitrepository-integrity-service-1.2-SNAPSHOT-distribution.tar.gz to /home/cibuild01/.m2/repository/org/bitrepository/reference/bitrepository-integrity-service/1.2-SNAPSHOT/bitrepository-integrity-service-1.2-SNAPSHOT-distribution.tar.gz
[INFO] Installing /home/cibuild01/workspace/Bitrepository-reference-test/bitrepository-integrity-service/target/bitrepository-integrity-service-1.2-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/cibuild01/.m2/repository/org/bitrepository/reference/bitrepository-integrity-service/1.2-SNAPSHOT/bitrepository-integrity-service-1.2-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
mojoStarted org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7(default-deploy)
[INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) @ bitrepository-integrity-service ---
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mojoSucceeded org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7(default-deploy)Uploaded: (2 KB at 56.6 KB/sec)

projectSucceeded org.bitrepository.reference:bitrepository-integrity-service:1.2-SNAPSHOT