Project: Bitrepository Acceptance test

Suite: Checksum Pillar Acceptance Test

TestCase: IdentifyPillarsForGetFileIDsIT

Test: irrelevantCollectionTest

Verifies identification works correctly for a collection not defined for the pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a putFile identification with a irrelevant collectionID. eg. the pillar is not part of the collection  The pillar under test should not make a response 

Test: missingCollectionIDTest

Verifies the a missing collectionID in the request is rejected

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a request without a collectionID.  The pillar should send a REQUEST_NOT_UNDERSTOOD_FAILURE Response. 

Test: otherCollectionTest

Verifies identification works correctly for a second collection defined for pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a identify request with a non-default collectionID (not the first collection) the pillar is part of  The pillar under test should make a positive response 

Test: allFilesTest

Tests that the pillar accepts a GetFileIDs requests for all files, even though it does not have any files.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Create and send the identify request message.  Should be received and handled by the pillar. 
2 Retrieve and validate the response getPillarID() the pillar.  The pillar should make a response. 

Test: nonExistingFileTest

Tests that the pillar is able to reject a GetFileIDs requests for a file, which it does not have during the identification phase.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Setup for test  2 files on the pillar 
2 Create and send the identify request message.  Should be received and handled by the pillar. 
3 Retrieve and validate the response getPillarID() the pillar.  The pillar should make a response. 

Test: normalIdentificationTest

Verifies the normal behaviour for getFileIDs identification

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Setup for test  2 files on the pillar 
2 Sending a identify request.  The pillar under test should make a response with the correct elements. 
3 Create and send the identify request message.  Should be received and handled by the pillar. 
4 Retrieve and validate the response getPillarID() the pillar.  The pillar should make a response. 

TestCase: PutFileRequestIT

Test: missingCollectionIDTest

Verifies the a missing collectionID in the request is rejected

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a request without a collectionID.  The pillar should send a REQUEST_NOT_UNDERSTOOD_FAILURE Response. 

Test: otherCollectionTest

Verifies identification works correctly for a second collection defined for pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a identify request with a non-default collectionID (not the first collection) the pillar is part of  The pillar under test should make a positive response 

Test: normalPutFileTest

Tests a normal PutFile sequence

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Send a putFile request to checksum2  The pillar should send a final response with the following elements:
  1. 'CollectionID' element corresponding to the supplied value
  2. 'CorrelationID' element corresponding to the supplied value
  3. 'From' element corresponding to the pillars component ID
  4. 'To' element should be set to the value of the 'From' elements in the request
  5. 'Destination' element should be set to the value of 'ReplyTo' from the request
  6. 'ChecksumDataForExistingFile' element should be null
  7. 'ChecksumDataForNewFile' element should be null
  8. 'PillarID' element corresponding to the pillars component ID
  9. 'FileID' element corresponding to the supplied fileID
  10. 'FileAddress' element corresponding to the supplied FileAddress
  11. 'ResponseInfo.ResponseCode' element should be OPERATION_COMPLETED

Test: putFileOperationAcceptedProgressTest

Tests a that a pillar sends progress response after receiving a putFile request.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Send a putFile request to checksum2  The pillar should generate a progress response with the following elements:
  1. 'CollectionID' element corresponding to the value in the request.
  2. 'CorrelationID' element corresponding to the value in the request.
  3. 'From' element corresponding to the pillars component ID
  4. 'To' element should be set to the value of the 'From' elements in the request
  5. 'Destination' element should be set to the value of 'ReplyTo' from the request
  6. 'PillarID' element corresponding to the pillars component ID
  7. 'FileID' element corresponding to the supplied fileID
  8. 'FileAddress' element corresponding to the supplied FileAddress
  9. 'ResponseInfo.ResponseCode' element should be OPERATION_ACCEPTED_PROGRESS

TestCase: IdentifyPillarsForDeleteFileIT

Test: irrelevantCollectionTest

Verifies identification works correctly for a collection not defined for the pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a putFile identification with a irrelevant collectionID. eg. the pillar is not part of the collection  The pillar under test should not make a response 

Test: missingCollectionIDTest

Verifies the a missing collectionID in the request is rejected

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a request without a collectionID.  The pillar should send a REQUEST_NOT_UNDERSTOOD_FAILURE Response. 

Test: otherCollectionTest

Verifies identification works correctly for a second collection defined for pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a identify request with a non-default collectionID (not the first collection) the pillar is part of  The pillar under test should make a positive response 

Test: fileDoesNotExistsTest

Verifies that a request for a non-existing file is handled correctly

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a deleteFile identification for a file not in the pillar.  The pillar under test should send a FILE_NOT_FOUND_FAILURE response. 

Test: identificationTestForChecksumPillar

Verifies the normal behaviour for deleteFile identification for a checksum pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a deleteFile identification.  The pillar under test should make a response with the correct elements. The only different from a full pillar is that the checksum pillar will respond with the default checksum spec. 

TestCase: GetFileIDsQueryTest

Test: fileidsSortingTest

Test whether the file id result is sorted oldest to newest.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Ensure at least two files are present on the pillar   
2 Retrieve a list of all file ids.  Run through the list and verify each element is older or the same age as the following element 

Test: maxNumberOfResultTest

Verifies the size of the result set can be limited by setting the maxNumberOfResult parameter.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Ensure at least two files are present on the pillar   
2 Retrieve a list of all file ids by setting maxNumberOfResult to null.  At least 2 file ids should be returned 
3 Repeat the request file ids, this time with maxNumberOfResult set to one  A file id result with a single file id should be returned. The file id should be the oldest/first file id in the full list. 

Test: maxTimeStampTest

Test the pillar support for only retrieving file ids older that a given time. Note that this test assumes there is at least 2 file ids with different timestamps.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Request default file ids for all files on the pillar  A list with at least 2 different timestamps (it is not the fault of the pillar if this fails, but the test needs this to be satisfied to make sense). 
2 Request file ids with MaxTimeStamp set to the timestamp of the newest file id  All file ids should be returned. 
3 Request file ids with MaxTimeStamp set to the timestamp of the oldest file id  Only file id with the timestamp equal to MaxTimeStamp are returned. 
4 Request file ids with MaxTimeStamp set to the timestamp of the oldest file id - 10 ms  No file ids are returned. 

Test: minTimeStampTest

Test the pillar support for only retrieving file ids newer that a given time. Note that this test assumes there is at least 2 file ids with different timestamps.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Request default file ids for all files on the pillar  A list with at least 2 different timestamps (it is not the fault of the pillar if this fails, but the test needs this to be satisfied to make sense). 
2 Request file ids with MinTimeStamp set to the timestamp of the oldest file id  All file ids should be returned. 
3 Request file ids with MinTimeStamp set to the timestamp of the newest file id  Only file id with the timestamp equal to MinTimeStamp are returned. 
4 Request file ids with MinTimeStamp set to the timestamp of the newest file id + 10 ms  No file ids are returned. 

TestCase: IdentifyPillarsForPutFileIT

Test: irrelevantCollectionTest

Verifies identification works correctly for a collection not defined for the pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a putFile identification with a irrelevant collectionID. eg. the pillar is not part of the collection  The pillar under test should not make a response 

Test: missingCollectionIDTest

Verifies the a missing collectionID in the request is rejected

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a request without a collectionID.  The pillar should send a REQUEST_NOT_UNDERSTOOD_FAILURE Response. 

Test: otherCollectionTest

Verifies identification works correctly for a second collection defined for pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a identify request with a non-default collectionID (not the first collection) the pillar is part of  The pillar under test should make a positive response 

Test: fileExistsTest

Verifies the exists of a file with the same ID is handled correctly. This means that a checksum for the existing file is returned, enabling the client to continue with the put operation for the pillars not yet containing the file. The client can easily implement idempotent behaviour based on this response.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a putFile identification for a file already in the pillar.  The pillar under test should send a DUPLICATE_FILE_FAILURE response with the (default type) checksum of the existing file. 

Test: identificationTestForChecksumPillar

Verifies the normal behaviour for putFile identification for a checksum pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a putFile identification.  The pillar under test should make a response with the correct elements. The only different from a full pillar is that the checksum pillar will respond with the default checksum spec. 

TestCase: DeleteFileRequestIT

Test: missingCollectionIDTest

Verifies the a missing collectionID in the request is rejected

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a request without a collectionID.  The pillar should send a REQUEST_NOT_UNDERSTOOD_FAILURE Response. 

Test: otherCollectionTest

Verifies identification works correctly for a second collection defined for pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a identify request with a non-default collectionID (not the first collection) the pillar is part of  The pillar under test should make a positive response 

Test: normalDeleteFileTest

Tests a normal DeleteFile sequence

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Send a DeleteFile request to checksum2  The pillar should generate a OPERATION_ACCEPTED_PROGRESS progress response followed by a OPERATION_COMPLETED final response 

TestCase: GetFileIDsTest

Test: missingCollectionIDTest

Verifies the a missing collectionID in the request is rejected

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a request without a collectionID.  The pillar should send a REQUEST_NOT_UNDERSTOOD_FAILURE Response. 

Test: otherCollectionTest

Verifies identification works correctly for a second collection defined for pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a identify request with a non-default collectionID (not the first collection) the pillar is part of  The pillar under test should make a positive response 

Test: pillarGetFileIDsSpecificFileIDRequest

Tests that the pillar is able to handle requests for a non-existing file correctly during the operation phase.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Create and send a GetFileIDsRequest to the pillar.  A GetFileIDsProgressResponse should be sent to the client with correct attributes follow by a GetFileIDsFinalResponse. 
2 Retrieve the FinalResponse for the GetFileIDs request.  A OPERATION_COMPLETE final response only containing the requested file-id. 

Test: pillarGetFileIDsTestBadDeliveryURL

Test the case when the delivery URL is unaccessible.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result

Test: pillarGetFileIDsTestDeliveryThroughUpload

Test the case when the results should be delivered through the message .

Step Stimuli Expected result Result

Test: pillarGetFileIDsTestFailedNoSuchFileInOperation

Tests that the pillar is able to handle requests for a non-existing file correctly during the operation phase.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Send a GetFileIDs request for a non-existing file.  A FILE_NOT_FOUND_FAILURE response should be generated. 

Test: pillarGetFileIDsTestSuccessCase

Tests the GetFileIDs functionality of the pillar for the successful scenario.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Create and send a GetFileIDsRequest to the pillar.  A GetFileIDsProgressResponse should be sent to the client with correct attributes follow by a GetFileIDsFinalResponse. 
2 Retrieve the ProgressResponse for the GetFileIDs request  A GetFileIDs progress response should be sent to the client with correct attributes. 
3 Retrieve the FinalResponse for the GetFileIDs request  The GetFileIDs response should be sent by the pillar. 

TestCase: MultipleCollectionIT

Test: fileInOtherCollectionTest

Tests that a file is put correctly to a second collection, and that the file can be access with getFile, getChecksums, getFileIDs and can be replaced and deleted correctly.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Put the file to the second collection  Should complete successfully 
2 Send a getFileIDs for the file in the second collection  The fileID should be retrieved 
3 Send a getFileIDs for the file in the other collections  The file should not be found here 

TestCase: IdentifyPillarsForReplaceFileIT

Test: irrelevantCollectionTest

Verifies identification works correctly for a collection not defined for the pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a putFile identification with a irrelevant collectionID. eg. the pillar is not part of the collection  The pillar under test should not make a response 

Test: missingCollectionIDTest

Verifies the a missing collectionID in the request is rejected

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a request without a collectionID.  The pillar should send a REQUEST_NOT_UNDERSTOOD_FAILURE Response. 

Test: otherCollectionTest

Verifies identification works correctly for a second collection defined for pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a identify request with a non-default collectionID (not the first collection) the pillar is part of  The pillar under test should make a positive response 

Test: fileDoesNotExistsTest

Verifies that a request for a non-existing file is handled correctly

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a replaceFile identification for a file not in the pillar.  The pillar under test should send a FILE_NOT_FOUND_FAILURE response. 

Test: identificationTestForChecksumPillar

Verifies the normal behaviour for replaceFile identification for a checksum pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a replaceFile identification.  The pillar under test should make a response with the correct elements. The only different from a full pillar is that the checksum pillar will respond with the default checksum spec. 

TestCase: GetAuditTrailsTest

Test: eventSortingTest

Test whether the audit trails are sorted based on sequence numbers, with the largest sequence number last..

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Ensure at least two files are present on the pillar.   
2 Retrieve a list of all audit trails. The list should be at least 2 elements long  Run through the list and verify each element sequence number is lower than the following elements. 

Test: maxNumberOfResultTest

Verifies the size of the result set can be limited by setting the maxNumberOfResult parameter.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Ensure at least two files are present on the pillar   
2 Retrieve a list of all audittrails by setting maxSequece to null.  At 2 audit trails should be returned 
3 Repeat the audit trail request, this time with maxNumberOfResult set to one  A result with a single audit event should be returned. The event should be the first audit event in the full list. 

Test: maxSequenceNumberTest

Test the pillar support for only retrieving audit event with SequenceNumbers lower than MaxSequenceNumber.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Request audit trails for all files on the pillar  A list with at least 2 events is returned. 
2 Request audit events with MaxSequenceNumber set to the SequenceNumber of the last event checksum  The full list of audit events should be returned. 
3 Request audit trail with MaxSequenceNumber set to the SequenceNumber of the first event  Only the first event is returned. 

Test: minSequenceNumberTest

Test the pillar support for only retrieving events with sequence number higher than the provided MinSequenceNumber. Note that this test assumes there is at least 2 audit event.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Request audit trails for all files on the pillar  A list with at least 2 events is returned. 
2 Request audit events with MinSequenceNumber set to the SequenceNumber of the first audit trail  The full list of audit events should be returned. 
3 Request audit trail with MinSequenceNumber set to the SequenceNumber of the last event  The first element in the new list should be the last element from the first list. 

TestCase: ReplaceFileRequestIT

Test: missingCollectionIDTest

Verifies the a missing collectionID in the request is rejected

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a request without a collectionID.  The pillar should send a REQUEST_NOT_UNDERSTOOD_FAILURE Response. 

Test: otherCollectionTest

Verifies identification works correctly for a second collection defined for pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a identify request with a non-default collectionID (not the first collection) the pillar is part of  The pillar under test should make a positive response 

Test: normalReplaceFileTest

Tests a normal ReplaceFile sequence

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Send a ReplaceFile request to checksum2  The pillar should generate a OPERATION_ACCEPTED_PROGRESS progress response followed by a OPERATION_COMPLETED final response 

TestCase: IdentifyContributorsForGetStatusIT

Test: normalGetStatusTest

Tests the GetStatus functionality of a pillar for the successful scenario.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Send a IdentifyContributorsForGetStatusRequest.  The pillar should send a IDENTIFICATION_POSITIVE response. 

TestCase: GetStatusRequestIT

Test: normalGetStatusTest

Tests the GetStatus functionality of a pillar for the successful scenario.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Send a GetStatusRequest  The pillar should send a progress response followed by a OK final response. 
2 Receive and validate the final response  Should be sent by the pillar. 

TestCase: GetChecksumTest

Test: md5ChecksumsForAllFilesTest

Test the pillar support for MD5 type checksums

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Request MD5 checksums for all files on the pillar  A list (at least 2 long) of MD5 checksums should be returned. 
2 Retrieve the first two files and verify that the checksums are correct  Not implemented 

TestCase: GetChecksumQueryTest

Test: checksumSortingTest

Test whether the checksum result is sorted oldest to newest.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Ensure at least two files are present on the pillar   
2 Retrieve a list of all checksums.  Run through the list and verify each element is older or the same age as the following element 

Test: maxNumberOfResultTest

Verifies the size of the result set can be limited by setting the maxNumberOfResult parameter.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Ensure at least two files are present on the pillar   
2 Retrieve a list of all checksums by setting maxNumberOfResult to null.  At least 2 checksums should be returned 
3 Repeat the request checksums, this time with maxNumberOfResult set to one  A checksum result with a single checksum should be returned. The checksum should be the oldest/first checksum in the full list. 

Test: maxTimeStampTest

Test the pillar support for only retrieving checksums older than a given time. Note that this test assumes there is at least 2 checksums with different timestamps. (Checksum lists are not compared directly as long lists might have checksums with shared timestamps which possibly leads to ambiguous results when sorting by time only. Instead, list size and outer points are compared)

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Request default checksums for all files on the pillar  A list with at least 2 different timestamps (it is not the fault of the pillar if this fails, but the test needs this to be satisfied to make sense). 
2 Request checksums with MaxTimeStamp set to the timestamp of the newest checksum  All checksums should be returned. 
3 Request checksums with MaxTimeStamp set to the timestamp of the oldest checksum  Only checksum with the timestamp equal to MaxTimeStamp are returned. 
4 Request checksums with MaxTimeStamp set to the timestamp of the oldest checksum - 10 ms  No checksums are returned. 

Test: minTimeStampTest

Test the pillar support for only retrieving checksums newer that a given time. Note that this test assumes there is at least 2 checksums with different timestamps.(Checksum lists are not compared directly as long lists might have checksums with shared timestamps which possibly leads to ambiguous results when sorting by time only. Instead, list size and outer points are compared)

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Request default checksums for all files on the pillar  A list with at least 2 different timestamps (it is not the fault of the pillar if this fails, but the test needs this to be satisfied to make sense). 
2 Request checksums with MinTimeStamp set to the timestamp of the oldest checksum  All checksums should be returned. 
3 Request checksums with MinTimeStamp set to the timestamp of the newest checksum  Only checksum with the timestamp equal to MinTimeStamp are returned. 
4 Request checksums with MinTimeStamp set to the timestamp of the newest checksum + 10 ms  No checksums are returned. 

TestCase: IdentifyPillarsForGetChecksumsIT

Test: irrelevantCollectionTest

Verifies identification works correctly for a collection not defined for the pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a putFile identification with a irrelevant collectionID. eg. the pillar is not part of the collection  The pillar under test should not make a response 

Test: missingCollectionIDTest

Verifies the a missing collectionID in the request is rejected

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a request without a collectionID.  The pillar should send a REQUEST_NOT_UNDERSTOOD_FAILURE Response. 

Test: otherCollectionTest

Verifies identification works correctly for a second collection defined for pillar

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Sending a identify request with a non-default collectionID (not the first collection) the pillar is part of  The pillar under test should make a positive response 

Test: allFilesTest

Tests that the pillar accepts a GetChecksums requests for all files, even though it does not have any files.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Create and send the identify request message.  Should be received and handled by the pillar. 
2 Retrieve and validate the response getPillarID() the pillar.  The pillar should make a response. 

Test: nonExistingFileTest

Tests that the pillar is able to reject a GetChecksums requests for a file, which it does not have during the identification phase.

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Setup for test  2 files on the pillar 
2 Create and send the identify request message.  Should be received and handled by the pillar. 
3 Retrieve and validate the response getPillarID() the pillar.  The pillar should make a response. 

Test: normalIdentificationTest

Verifies the normal behaviour for getChecksums identification

Step Stimuli Expected result Result
1 Setup for test  2 files on the pillar 
2 Sending a identify request.  The pillar under test should make a response with the correct elements. 
3 Create and send the identify request message.  Should be received and handled by the pillar. 
4 Retrieve and validate the response getPillarID() the pillar.  The pillar should make a response.