Slave OneJobNode (Default slave)

Created by Ole H (olhe)

Projects tied to OneJobNode

   S   WNameLast SuccessLast FailureLast Duration Console 
Build stability: 1 out of the last 5 builds failed.80
Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 60 tests.100
Bitrepository-checksumpillar-test 2 yr 5 mo - #693 2 yr 10 mo - #6905 min 31 secConsole output 
Build stability: 1 out of the last 5 builds failed.80
Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 72 tests.100
Bitrepository-referencepillar-test 2 yr 5 mo - #982 2 yr 10 mo - #9795 min 4 secConsole output